Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cover of the Week - Hulk, Green Lantern, Generation Hope & Fables

You wanted to know the Cover of the Week? Well, you better get ready because we have four different winners in this edition! Kirk and Ken joins us to choose the best covers to grace the stands this week. Hit the jump to see the winners.

Ryan L.'s Covers of the Week - Hulk #32 by Gabriel Hardman

Ryan L.: Man, who knew Gabriel Hardman would be the ultimate Hulk artist? I love the scratchy quality of this cover and the depth of composition mixed with colour and tone change. This caught my eye instantly, but in saying that...

Perhaps I'm a little naive, but it took me a while to really see what's going on in this cover - or at least could be. This is like an episode of Oz. Look at it...Rulk is dominating poor old Ross there. And Rulk is enjoying it. I guess we know that in prison Rulk isn't the new guy. Yikes.

Kirk's Cover of the Week - Green Lantern #65 by Doug Mahnke

Kirk: This cover is just so striking, it's hard not to give it my Cover of the Week.  Why is Hal Jordan now a Sinestro Corps member?  Is he possessed by Parallax again?  What is the meaning of this?  Why does it look so damn good?  Just seeing this cover makes you want to buy and read the issue to find out what's going on.  That's the sign of a great cover.  

Matt's Cover of the Week - Generation Hope #6 by Mike Del Mundo

Matt: Mike Del Mundo brings his A-game to this incredibly creepy cover. A very simple but striking image that evokes (whether intentionally or not) the origin of Cassandra Nova and Professor X. 

Ken's Cover of the Week - Fables #104 by Joao Ruas

Ken: It's a little bit of a callback to Justice League International (which Bill Willingham drew a few issues of), a little bit poking fun at the Fables donning superhero costumes, and just the details like Pinocchio trying to fill the leader role even if the outfit is 3 sizes too big makes the cover work.

Runner-Ups: Batman #709, Spirit #13, Thunderbolts # 156

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Retcon Joe said...

I like the picks. Although, Green Lantern was almost too overwhelming with color. Thunderbolts was a good runner-up! Fables tells an interesting story just with the cover. Overall really interesting covers.

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