Sunday, December 8, 2013

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 12/04/13


Some might be snowed in, some might be burning up, but there's Moments of the Week for everyone. After the jump you can check out the setup for the next phase of Marvel in Inhumanity, Superior Spider-Man continues to fight Venom, Velvet shows just how good a spy a secretary can be, and Hellboy helps out a man looking to keep his soul. Let's get started, shall we?

Amazing X-Men #2

Azazel is using history's most notorious killers for Captains on his soul stealing ships. Since Marvel is owned by Disney maybe we'll see Davy Jones and Barbossa and Blackbeard as well.

At the World's End, one step closer to returning to Stranger Tides. Ok, I'll stop now.

Batman/Superman #6

Batman is healed thanks to nanotechnology and is now a tool by Mongul's own user interfaced videogame. No overt mentions to the Arkham videogames, but it sure seems like it.

Ha, Super Nanny putting Jimmy in time out. Meanwhile the alien/lady who gave Toyman this videogame idea takes it to another level to control Batman:

Superman is the target, of course.

Green Lantern #26

With Mogo as their homeworld, the Green Lanterns are now a mobile police force, making sure only they use the emotional spectrum.

Guardians of the Galaxy #9

A week after Infinity ends, you see how the Guardians helped the Avengers get to Earth. Why are different shades of blue right next to each other?

SWORD destroys their space station with as much regularity as SHIELD does with helicarriers. So much money...

Hellboy In Hell #5

Jules Dulot agrees to a bargain, but his final day has come upon him and he finds himself in Pandamonium looking for help, and Hellboy needs something to do. It seems the demon's grandmother could help:

An issue that is hard to showcase moments from as the story is all based on tone and the simple elegance of Mignola's art, it's a well told chapter in the Hellboy series.

Inhumanity #1

This was an issue largely devoted to retelling the story of the Inhumans since they came to Earth, and also shows us what we saw in Infinity, but the ending is the real push into the new setup of the Marvel Universe, with Karnak killing himself by discovering he is the flaw in this next step of the Inhumans.

Quantum & Woody #6
Eric gets promoted to be a real superhero for his PMC, but because of the nature of his powers needs Woody to tag along. Conflict, naturally.

While fighting in Montana, Sixty Nine does what Woody asks, but looks for help from one of her sister clones:

Back in Montana, Woody falls into being a superhero yet again:

Superior Spider-Man #23
Flash escaped, and looks to find a place to lie low. Too bad Ock will use this to his advantage. But first, May's surgery:

May no longer needs a cane, and under the guise of helping his friend walk again, Peter gets Flash into the lab:

Velvet #2

Age doesn't slow Miss Templeton down. Back at ARC it seems she's had quite the list of missions:

1956 is where she quit being an operative and became a secretary. But that doesn't matter now, as all she needs to do is escape:

Young Avengers #13
And just like that, the fighting stops, long enough for Teddy to talk to Billy.

And like that the world is saved, Mother is gone, the Power of Love is playing in the background. And Loki's no longer on the team, as he's getting his own series.

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maybetoby said... 1

Let's not forget Aunt May treating Pete/Ock's new girlfriend differently cuz of her size. Why exactly do we keep her around?

Transformers: Dark Cybertron is pretty good so far, even though they brought in a brand new artist at the end of this week's issue. Who has no experience drawing Transformers, so those final pages look terrible :(

We got some hints about Earth 2 Batman, most likely an Atlantean since he rescued Earth 2's Aquawoman.

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