Sunday, October 27, 2013

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 10/23/2013

For today's Moments of the Week, look out as another twist to the origin of Tony Stark is revealed, two new Image series debut as Velvet and Pretty Deadly hit the stands, and a change happens to Loki in Young Avengers. A bit more moments after the jump, so let's get started! 

Daredevil #32

What's in Kentucky? Rayland Givens and meth, but something much more sinister lurks in the shadows, just in time for Halloween. Cue the antiquated pitch fork mob!

By the issue's end Matt is shot by the town mob, seemingly bleeding to death. I wonder if he'll be like Frank and turn into Franken-devil.

Indestructible Hulk #14

This is why time travel is bad. Like a double cheeseburger you now have a double dose of angry Hulk.

Iron Man #17

Robots from space have ulterior motives, no surprise there. Howard thought he fixed it but it turns out the baby would have a degenerative disease, something that had no cure. How does this effect Tony? It doesn't, because it wasn't him.

Arno was Howard and Maria's son, hidden away so that 451 couldn't discover what Howard had done. Now that the robot is dead, Arno has a lot of ideas for helping the world that he's going to put to use with his brother. This is one of those retcons that is kind of hard to believe, that with all the attacks on earth and other stuff, Tony never came across this information. We'll see if Arno becomes a worthwhile supporting character or not.

Justice League #24

Earth 3 Jon and Martha are meth head criminals, and Jon was just in the middle of beating her up. Doesn't really matter, Ultraman kills them a few years later. In the present Ultraman wonders what Jimmy Olsen is up to, still not grasping the concept of this being another universe.

Ultraman hates hands. Before he can issue more creepy threats to Lois, Black Adam arrives to beat some sense into him, a fight to be seen in Forever Evil #3.
Pretty Deadly #1

A western tale about Death's child, roaming the land searching for vengeance. The traveling storytellers are accosted by the redheaded man in bowler hat as they leave the town, the young woman Sissy takes a book from his possession in retaliation. Turns out that book is something a lady named Big Alice really wants:

A magic book that draws the attention of a deadly woman, the hunt is on. The art is really the big sell here, it fits perfectly with the tone and setting of the book, where the story is more disjointed than it should be for a first issue, almost like it would be better told in the full trade. Still worth a look and different from the other westerns on the shelf right now.

Uncanny Avengers #13

Cap always yells, Alex. Nice moment between Alex and Jan though, that could be a nice relationship to see over the series. Meanwhile Daken is telling Wolverine everything that happened is his fault:

But has she betrayed the team?

 But no one knows that, leading to a plea from Logan that Rogue will gladly follow through with:

Velvet #1

1973. Velvet Templeton, the head secretary to the Director of Arc-7, a mature woman who seems to know more than she lets on. When the best agent Arc-7 has is killed, it begins an investigation that Velvet begins looking into with skills a secretary wouldn't normally have. When the suspect is seemingly identified as a former agent Frank Lancaster, Velvet does some digging herself:

It's a frame-up!

They can't, obviously. This is a very good premise for a book, the secretary no one suspects is actually one of the best secret agents ever. Tighly paced, well drawn, this is a book to keep a look out for. Buy it.

Wolverine & The X-Men #37

The future Brotherhood starts a fight at Cape Citadel, where the X-Men first debuted, in order to further their plan to alter the past. Wonder what's up with that Iceman giant? Here you go:

Battle of the Atom #2 is the conclusion, will we find out why the Brotherhood wants the original X-Men sent back?

Young Avengers #11

In time for the movie and his new series, Loki is aged to be in his twenties, it looks like. But it turns out, to his surprise, making him older doesn't unlock his powers like he thought. So in order to save Teddy and finally fight Mother and the league of evil exes, Billy will have to unlock his super magic for a small amount of time. How can they fight Mother, though, when she can make all the heroes turn against them?

Teen hero social networking, it just goes on, and on, and on....

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Jarmir said... 1

Can someone explain to me how Rogue absorbing Logan´s power got her adamantium claws? They should be bone claws.... maybe the artist was going for "cool" vs "accurate"?

maybetoby said... 2

The relationship between Wasp and Havok feels more forced than Storm and Black Panther.

Really like the Ultraman story, looking forward to his fight with Black Adam.

Anonymous said... 3

So nothing about dc vs. Motu where Evil-lyn states the old DC is still out there, nu52 supes and the JL except for Batman becoming Skeletor's pawns and He-man kills superman? Or was that earlier.

Mark said... 4

Is the the Daily Planet or the secret headquarters for the Society of Creative Anachronism? There hasn't been a typewriter in a newsroom in decades. She might as well have smacked him with a sock full of woodblocks

Rocker69 said... 5

I really liked the JL issue but, oh boy, this new DC universe keeps getting more and more violent. I like the fact that Marvel knows how to do dark and gritty without resorting to blood and gore. DC is just shameless.

The Wasp/Havok flirting is awful, I don't see it at all and I don't think Remender is a good fit for an Avengers book, a lot of times it feels like "Uncanny X-Force 2.0˜. Not only that but this storyline is dragging itself for waaaay too long, it needs to wrap up quickly.

Daredevil, as always, was amazing. I loved how Waid explains why Matt doesn't like to go inside Dr. Strange's house, that was genius.

And I also love Young Avengers but the whole Loki-Mother deal was extremely convoluted and honestly confusing. I'm glad this arc is wrapping up.

Battle of the Atom is a total might be fun at times but why wait until the very last issue to reveal the motives behind this "Brotherhood"? No explanation can possibly be worth all the suspense at this point.

maybetoby said... 6

@ Rocker69, I totally agree with you about Uncanny Avengers and Battle of the Atom. I really wanted to like Uncanny Avengers because I loved Uncanny X-Force, but the stories just drag on. Even the first arc felt it took longer than it needed.

The X-titles feel like a hot mess in general. Wolverine is a tool for being judgemental of Scott. Scott is being written to forcefully as a revolutionary or whatever it is they're trying to make him into. All New X-Men doesn't make any sense, why did Beast bring the young X-Men to the present AND allow them to stay?

Unknown said... 7

Why on earth dose Troll have a cell phone?!

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