Sunday, October 13, 2013

Cover of the Week - Superman/Wonder Woman and Shaolin Cowboy

New York Comic Con has come and gone, but that just means it's time for our Covers of the Week.  This time around, we have a jam packed origin for DC's First Couple and a bathroom break for the warrior who combines the ways of East and West.  So click through the jump to check these out, along with our honourable mentions!

Ken's Cover of the Week - Superman/Wonder Woman #1 by Tony Daniel

Ken: This is just a really nice wraparound cover that covers all the big things in the respective heroes careers up to this point. And the coloring is just handled beautifully. You have to put up with some of the more extreme points of the new 52 in terms of H'el but you remove the text, it would look fine for a comic shop poster. 

Grant's Cover of the Week - Shaolin Cowboy #1 by Geof Darrow

Grant: Now this is a cover!  Geof Darrow clearly spared no effort when it came to adding in the stupid amount of detail you can find (quite literally) littered throughout this piece.  I love the unorthodox setting of the grungy washroom, and I'm all over the manner in which Darrow implies an entire story within the image itself through the various people, things, and objects you can find (the stiff he just knocked off is particularly intriguing).  There is no wasted space here, and I dig it.

Runner-Ups:  Deadpool #18, Batman Li'l Gotham #7, Think Tank #10

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