Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cover of the Week - Morning Glories, Hulk, & Legion of Super-Heroes

They say that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but that's not going to stop us from judging the covers! It's Sunday, and that means it's time for Cover of the Week. Hit the jump to see the winning covers.

Ryan L.'s Cover of the Week - Morning Glories #3 by Rodin Esquejo

Ryan L.: There's an appeal to this cover that you almost don't want to admit upon first viewing. It reminds me of the cover to an old horror flick, Deadly Blessing. It doesn't look the same but it makes me feel some of the same things. And that's a good thing. A shame the face on the nurse looks a little plastic but otherwise the composition on this cover just kept drawing me back.

Kirk's Cover of the Week - Hulk #26 (Vampire Variant) by Salva Espin

Kirk: I'm not a big fan of the Red Hulk, but this cover is just too good not to give props to.  Looks great, eyecatching, makes me stop and want to pick the book up and is something I wouldn't mind having a print of. 

Matt's Cover of the Week - Legion of Super-Heroes #6 by Yildiray Cinar

Matt: What a simple yet striking cover! I'm not a fan of this title, but I really dig this image, as it tells a story and intrigues the reader as to what might happen inside the comic.

Runner-Ups: Batman Beyond #5, Deadpool #28, Thor: First Thunder #2

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Anonymous said...

I've never picked up Morning Glories but this cover has piqued my curiousity. Good choice.

-Retcon Joe

Ivan said...

Another "propaganda" cover? They're trying hard to win "Cover of the Week", huh Matt? :P

Anonymous said...

I thought that the cover by Jay Anacleto and Brian Haberlin which adorns the second issue of Thor First Thunder would definitely have won cover of the week. Yeah, sure, we've all seen this type of pose before, but how often have we seen it with such rich detail in the foreground and background? Poor Jay must have painstakingly slaved over every detail and the only thing most of the fanboys will notice is that Loki is on the cover.

To see just a few samples of Jay's Work, take a look at his cover for the Spider-Man Special Black & Blue & Read All Over, Spider Man Unlimited #15, and for the alternative stuff, check out the zero issue of the Wizard World LA Special.

What about the contribution made by Brian Haberlin? His colors had added a depth to an already incredible picture. He, of course, brilliantly colored Loki in the Middle ground. While Loki is our main focus in this pic Brian did not neglect the vessel containing the fire inthe foreground nor did he neglect the intricate designs comprising Loki's throne. Brian even remembered the shadow of the staff. Simply AMAZING!!

Matt Duarte said...

@Ivan: Haha! It was actually Kirk that picked it as a runner-up, not me.

@Shawn: To be honest, I'm not digging that cover a whole lot. I don't know if it's the colors or what, but it looks very digital to me.

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