Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Aaron Lopresti and Matt Ryan
This was another slow, but enjoyable issue of LoSH. I don't know the intricacies of these characters just yet, but I am getting a real feel for them at this point and I see that as a testament to how well Shooter is doing here.
However, it seems like this story is almost derivative of what Johns just did in Action. I assume both planned months in advance, so both probably came up with it on their own, but with one after the other, it's hard not to draw parallels.
For instance, the Legion are running into all kinds of problems with the governments to the point they are seeing heavy restrictions. This issue sees the introduction of rejected try outs being recruited by the government to supercede the Legion and the Legion having members arrested and facing the possibility of all of them being outlawed.
Again, not identical, but it reminds me of Earth-Man taking over with the rejects, the old Legion getting branded as outlaws and hunted down and so on. For what it's worth, I find the Shooter version a much more satisfying read between the two and I really enjoyed this issue.
Verdict - Check It
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