Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Incredible Hulk #111 Review

Written Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente
Art by Khoi Pham

Oi, what did I just read? It felt like something out of the 90's, and I mean that in a bad way.

This issue picks up after WWH #4. Dr Strange was just captured and Cho, Hercules and the rest of the renegade heroes are left to clean up the mess from the battle, helping random people trapped and what have you.

Before they can return to their clean up crew status, Wong, Dr Strange's assistant, comes out of the rubble requesting aid in recapturing the essence of Zom, which fled Dr Strange's body after he was defeated.

Our would-be heroes make this job their own and go in search of the escaped essence of Zom. Where did it go after the battle with Hulk? Why, straight into a nearby destroyed Hulk Buster Armour. Yes, this mysterious entity can apparently take control of inanimate objects like Iron Man's destroyed armour. And how do our heroes stop this all-powerful foe? Cho, the seventh smartest person on Earth, uses a Game Boy to hack into a broken off piece of the armour, which in turn allows him to hack into the Zom Buster. Not even a DS, but the old fashioned, original edition, brick sized Game Boy. Right. I love comic book hax0ring.

Zom decides since his armour is busted that he will enslave Cho, who Angel knocks out with a simple kick to the head and Wong recaptures the essence in his magic jar.

Verdict - Avoid It. Seriously, do not waste your time or money on this abomination. If you were expecting some big development explaining the title's change to Incredible Hercules, you'll be disappointed, as Herc barely appears this issue.

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