Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Iron Man - Director of SHIELD Annual #1 Review

Written by Christos Gage
Art by Harvey Tolibao

I believe this issue was supposed to be a homage to the old Nick Fury series, but it just didn't do it for me. I would have preferred another issue of the main Iron Man series over this. That or my money back.

The issue's premise is that Madame Hydra rules the country of Madripoor. Tony wants her deposed so she can't run Hydra terrorist cells as the head of state, which affords her diplomatic immunity, thus preventing overt action from SHIELD. His plan? Infiltrate the country in a covert mission as a visiting billionaire playboy, one whom the entire world knows is Iron Man and the current director of SHIELD. Brilliant.

Once inside the country, Tony meets up with his SHIELD informant, who is promptly killed, and then goes on to meet up with the resident militant group's leader, Tyger Tiger. From there, Tony meets up with Madame Hydra, broadcasts her speech about how the people of the country are chattel she can do anything she wants with and this causes a revolt in the entire country, which ends with Tyger Tiger as the new leader of the country.

Verdict - Avoid It. I honestly want my money back after reading this. If you enjoy the actual Iron Man series, this is a complete departure from the style and tone of that series and I found this issue missed all the marks it was trying to hit with the spy and espionage premise.

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