Written by Greg Pak
Art by Carlo Pagulayan
World War Hulk keeps chugging along with this tie-in. We pick up where last issue left us with Cho confronted by an angry Hulk.
Throughout this encounter, we see various attempts by Hulk to "kill" Cho that just barely miss their mark. Cho reveals to Hulk that he knows Hulk has never been responsible for any deaths and that Hulk can see the equations for everything much like Cho. Hulk uses this ability to prevent anyone from dying in his rampages and that is the reason he has never been responsible for killing anyone in all these years.
In the end, Cho pushes Hulk to the limits of his anger, throwing out the insult that Hulk is responsible for all the deaths of his loved ones, including Caira, and Hulk apparently kills Cho before leaving. Upon digging through the rubble, Cho is found alive and confirms that Hulk could never kill anyone before the issue ends.
I really want to like this issue but I cannot, and depending on your stance on the Hulk does or does not kill debate, your opinion will vary. I personally cannot believe in a Hulk that does not kill or has not been responsible in any deaths in all the destruction he has caused. It makes absolutely no sense in my eyes. I see the character as tragic and the events of his life out of his control. He does not want to hurt anyone and will help people at times, like with his cousin, She-Hulk, who he subconsciously recognized and saved by bringing to the hospital all those years, but he is also a monster that is provoked by the military. The destruction caused has to lead to some kind of death.
If there were no confirmed deaths by the Hulk in all these years, there is absolutely no way the US Army would still be chasing him. They never would have in the beginning. I do not want to see Hulk tearing people in half or eating civilians, but if a building is destroyed or an entire town wiped out, someone died. No way every single military personnel escaped from a tank or plane destroyed by Hulk. I can suspend my disbelief only so far and this is pushing it beyond my limits.
Hell, evacuating all of New York, like in WWH, would lead to countless deaths. There are simply some people you cannot move from a hospital without killing, especially not in the limited time frame presented by the Hulk. Finding nearby and feasible hospitals to take all these critical patients would be a nightmare and literally impossible to do. These people had to have died due to the Hulk's actions. They are not talked about and never will be addressed, but to have Cho, the seventh smartest person on Earth, ignoring these obvious issues comes off as laughable to me and completely contradicts his whole claim.
While this issue is good, I, personally, cannot accept the main crux of the story presented and it makes the issue ring hollow to me. If you can take this non-killing Hulk at face value, I am sure you will love this issue. I, however, cannot and we have to agree to disagree on the quality of this issue. The art was excellent and the story well done, but whether you like this issue or not will come down on whether you believe the Hulk does or does not kill.
Verdict - Check It
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