Wednesday, August 1, 2007

World War Hulk #3 Review

Written by Greg Pak
Art by John Romita Jr

I was truly worried when I saw the previews for this issue. I seriously thought Pak might be trying to make Ross and his commandos a true threat to the Hulk and his warbound. Thankfully, Pak continues to deliver with this issue of WWH. Rest easy knowing this is the best $3.99 you will spend this month.

I will try not to spoil too much about this issue, but it is basically a throw back to the old General Thunderbolt Ross days for the first part of the issue while simultaneously giving us some back story for the uninitiated. The bulk of the issue concerns the final Illuminati member and his attempt to dissuade the Hulk. This member has some awesome moments and his splash page at the end of the issue is incredible to say the least.

This issue also tells us what Hulk is planning to do with the captured heroes. It seems Hulk brought a lot of compliance discs from his gladiator days in Planet Hulk and he has his army building an arena for our viewing pleasure. WWH keeps building more and more momentum each month and I honestly see it delivering the goods after these first three issues. My one complaint is Sentry. Marvel made a Superman character and he does not fit the rest of the Marvel Universe on Earth proper. If he was a cosmic character he could do well I believe. However, stuck on Earth with more "realistic" heroes, he is forced into non-committal every time he appears. The only time he has been used properly has been in his original mini-series and the recent Silent War, where he debates the merits of action versus bringing Black Bolt into the battle. The latter being the only good use of his sideline cheer leading act. It is painfully obvious that they are just doing this to keep him from intervening until the very last issue of this story where the Superman character will be brought in to wrap the series up. I have no problem with this, but the way they are beating around the bush with it is what bothers me.

Despite my one little comic geek complaint, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this book. It is the definition of what an comic event should be. This is easily the best book this week and is full of awesome moments. Cannot wait for the next issue. Must buy book. Best of the week hands down.

Verdict - Must Read

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