Wednesday, November 14, 2007

World War Hulk #5 Review

Written by Greg Pak
Art by John Romita Jr

World War Hulk started off so well. How did it end so poorly? It wasn't that long ago Hulk was kicking Illuminati ass and taking names. Apparently, having Hulk punching stuff every issue can only carry an event so far. Who would have guessed?

So, what did Pak decide to do for his grand finale? That's right. Hulk punches stuff. Sentry gets to be his punching bag this time, making all that build up with Sentry debating whether he should leave his house or not a complete waste of time as it amounted to nothing. Yes, high art this is not.

As for what happens this issue, Hulk quickly changes his mind after the cliffhanger from last issue, where he decided to kill the Illuminati, and opts to instead destroy New York and let by gones be by gones. Or something. During this change of heart, the Sentry finally showed up and Hulk and he beat on each other for a few pages until a huge collision and explosion of power results in both Hulk and Sentry reverting to their puny, human alter egos, Bruce Banner and Robert Reynolds. Even sans powers, the duo continue to fight it out with nerdy Bruce Banner claiming victory over agoraphobic Reynolds and all's well that ends well.

Wait a minute. That can't be the ending. Unfortunately, it isn't. What follows is a complete cop out and one of the worst endings to any event I've ever read. Miek reveals he watched on as the servants of the Red King sabatoged the Hulk's ship and, through Miek's inaction, resulted in the death of Caiera and all this WWH nonsense. Why did he do it? He likes seeing Hulk smash stuff, apparently. Banner promptly Hulks out and kills Miek for his insolence and all's well that ends well.

Wait a minute. Hulk's still pretty angry and New York is probably going to get smashed anyways. Cue the Illuminati who show up with a gamma sucking device that siphons off the huge amounts of gamma radiation Hulk is giving off. Where was this convient device at when this mess all started? Did Reed and the boys just whip it up on a whim? Regardless of where it came from, it causes the Hulk to take a little nap and wraps up this whole debacle in a neat, little package. SHIELD then places the Hulk in a prison several miles below the Earth and the epiologue cuts to a long haired figure rising out of the water back on Sakaar. The end (thank God).

Verdict - ARGH! What the hell kind of ending was that? I guess it was too much to expect any definitive ending conisdering every other book in the Marvel Universe has already moved on from this "event" and showed no signs of any major, lasting effects. Maybe the Skrulls will give us a decent event next year.

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