Wednesday, August 29, 2007

WWH: X-Men #3 Review

Written by Chris Gage
Art by Andrea DiVito

This issue finishes up the mandatory X-Men tie-in to the WWH event. Gage has done an excellent job of delivering a fanboy slugfest with this series and if you were honestly coming into this series expecting some deep, story driven plot, it is your own fault for your disappointment.

While some are upset with how easily Hulk brushes away the X-Men, it is very much in line with how Marvel has had him take down everyone else in the Marvel Universe so far, from the Avengers to the Fantastic Four to everyone in between.

This issue brings the Juggernaut back in full force for another shot at the Hulk after his powers seemed to fade on him last issue and aside from the end to their fight, it was worth the wait. I wonder if the developments in his character will have lasting effects on him or eventually bring the Juggernaut back to his villainous roots. I was surprised with the ending of this series though. I figured they would eventually come to a conclusion similar to the one here, but I seriously thought Hulk would eventually capture Xavier to complete his Illuminati collection.

In the end, this issue delivered everything it promised and more. Lots of memorable moments and lots of action packed fanboy moments, , including Hulk kicking Monet's invulnerable ass to New Jersey this issue or previous issues' Wolverine throw down or breaking off Santo's arms and throwing them miles away. It is hard for any X-fan or comic fan in general not to walk away with something they enjoyed in this issue. Definitely one of the more fun, if not really needed in the grand scheme of things, WWH tie-ins.

Verdict - Must Read

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