Written by Greg Pak
Art by Carlo Pagulayan
This issue of Incredible Hulk picks up where the book was two months ago in #107 where Hulk had finished putting the beat down on Hercules and we were left wondering if Hulk would accept the humans' offer to help him. From there, the action ramps up as it retells a condensed version of the events that transpired in last weeks World War Hulk #3 before giving us a glimpse of what kind of conditions the heroes Hulk has captured are in and a cliffhanger confrontation between Amadeus Cho and the Hulk.
For anyone reading Incredible Hulk solely for the WWH tie-in, this issue does not seem to add much to the main story. It continues following the actions of characters that have not been seen in the main mini-series, such as Amadeus Cho and Angel and so on. By their absence in the main story, I can only assume the actions they partake in in these issues will have no bearing on the overall story. So for those picking it up on the basis it will impact the WWH story, I believe you are wasting your money.
For those that enjoy Pak's Hulk or wishing for a decent story, this issue is well worth checking out. I enjoyed the exchanges between Cho and Rick Jones, as one believes in Bruce Banner and the other the Hulk, and their ideologies on how to best approach the situation are played off quite well. I was glad to see Cho growing up a little from his previous childish ways and stepping up to use his intellect to help coordinate the evacuation of civilians. I look forward to the next issue as the cliffhanger at the end with the confrontation between Hulk and Cho should shatter the misconceptions Cho has concerning the altruistic nature of the Hulk.
Overall, a great issue that supplements the main series of WWH without requiring the reader to pick it up. This is how tie-ins should be. Good stories that supplement and are not pumped out to cash in or boost sales of a title.
Verdict - Check It
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