Written by Greg Pak & Fred Van Lente
Art by Khoi Pham
This issue actually started off pretty good. It looked like Hercules actually realized he was doing the wrong thing by aiding the Hulk and ignoring authorities. Heck, even Cho looked like he might actually stop being a total dick at one point there. Shame the issue ended the way it did.
Basically, Herc gives up after drinking a few gallons of merlot and makes Cho give up with him. SHIELD refuses to give them amnesty due to the fact they both destroyed a SHIELD helicarrier a few issues ago. They don't intend on locking them up or forcing them to do any black ops killing or anything. No, the things they ask them to do are so heinous that the two decide to break out of the complex, cause even more property damage and be general asses.
What was this oh so terrible pennance they were being asked to do? Why, they honestly expected Cho to use his intellect to help them devise the most efficient and effective clean up and relocation program in the countries history! Cho was right to slap that hand away and make basically tell the families and loved ones of the thousand's of displaced people from WWH to shove it. Seriously, why help the people who had their lives destroyed by the person you actively supported?
At least Hercules kind of, sort of had a reason for rebelling. For some reason, Pak had Ares, an Avenger, acting as SHIELD's interrogator and liason for Hercules. Ignoring the history between the two of them, Ares isn't exactly the sanest hero and outside of said history, there's no other reason for him to be here. Pak wanted a fight to set Herc off and he was using Ares regardless of how much sense it made to have him there. Oh ya, all Ares asked him to do was cleanup the Stark Tower and then rebuild it by himself. I doubt Tony Stark would even let Herc do this, but this didn't seem too bad when you consider how powerful Herc is. The cleanup would take a bit, but wouldn't really be difficult and only an idiot would believe he'd actually be forced to build a tower.
Verdict - Check It. The issue had parts that were good, but Cho is easily the biggest asshole of a character I have ever met. He couldn't take a couple weeks to help with the clean up and relocation of the thousands of families that lost their homes, jobs and everything that made their lives worth living? Ya, it made much more sense to go destroy even more things and plot to take down the world's peace keeping task force. I wish Hulk had stomped him into the ground at the end of WWH.
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