Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Captain America #29 Review

Written by Ed Brubaker
Art by Steve Epting & Mike Perkins

Another stellar issue by Brubaker and Epting / Perkins. I dare say that Captain America sans Captain America is a much better book than when he was the starring character. A lot of things happen in this issue and it still leaves me wanting more.

Tony Stark and Maria Hill reveal that Sin, with the help of the new Serpent Society, infiltrated the SHIELD holding area and freed Crossbones before he could be escorted to the Raft.

While they are left wondering how they gained the security codes and easy access, we already know that Dr Faust has brainwashed several SHIELD agents during psychiatric evaluations to allow Sin such easy access. Stark knows there must be a mole and I wonder how long before this leads back to Faust and the Skull.

I really loved the way the artists managed the page layouts for this "flashback" scene. The way the video screens Stark is watching appear to blend in and out to show the Sin attack and come back out to the discussion by Stark is amazing. It is very cinematic and reminds me of The Matrix interrogation scene when the camera appears to go through the monitor to the room with Neo and the Agents. Very well done scene and Epting and Perkins do not get as much credit as they deserve for this book.

The rest of the book is dedicated to the Black Widow and the Falcon / Sharon Carter's pursuit of Bucky before he assassinates Tony Stark, who Bucky blames for Cap's death. With the knowledge of Crossbones' escape, Bucky postpones his vendetta with Stark and begins tracking down Crossbones, as he is Bucky's only lead to the Red Skull. His clues lead him to Lukin, who the Red Skull is actually sharing a mind with thanks to the Cosmic Cube since Bucky assassinated Skull back when he was the Winter Soldier. We are left with Bucky cornered by Crossbones and Sin with what appears to be the self realization that Lukin is the Skull. That was my interpretation of the final scene and we will have to wait another month to find out if that is true.

Brubaker has turned Captain America into one of the best books on the market and this continues even with the main character dead. Do yourself a favour and pick this book up along with any back issues or TPB's you can find.

Verdict - Must Read

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