Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cover of the Week - Batman, Inc. & Hulk

Another Sunday, another Cover of the Week! Before we start thinking about next week's comics, we take some time to decide which cover is the best one to grace the stands last week. Hit the jump to see the winning covers!

Ryan L.'s Cover of the Week - Hulk #27 by Ed McGuinness

Ryan L.: Call me crazy but this cover looks like a lot of fun. Namor usually makes for an interesting cover but the action here looks like something you don't always get on a cover. It's fluid and fun. That's about all I've got to say, not the cerebral choice, but the gutteral one. Enjoy.

Matt's Cover of the Week - Batman, Inc. #1 by J.H. Williams III

Matt: The Batman foreground image by Williams here is pretty iconic, but what sells this whole cover is the background. It's such a simple idea, putting a group of flags from around the world, but it is executed so well that it turns this into quite a striking and memorable image.

Runner-Ups: Daken: Dark Wolverine #3, DC Universe Legacies #7, Spider-Girl #1

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Jarmir said... 1

Ed McGuinness can sure draw awesome hulks!

Radlum said... 2

That Batman Inc cover is so far, one of my favorite covers of the year. It's visually striking and catches perfectly the general idea of the plot. I hope that ten years from now, it is as well regarded as the iconic covers of Killing Joke and Year One

Steven said... 3

Batman Inc. looks like an old Benetton ad. The "United Colors of Batman".

Ivan said... 4

Wow, I agree, very awesome Batman cover. I like that he went with different and unusual flags instead of the usual bunch, I can name very few of those countries without research.

Being a comic fan since the ´90s, I wanna read DC Universe Legacies #7 SO BAD.

And where are my Moments of the Week? :(

Brian Lee said... 5

That should be the regular cover for Batman, Inc. It (almost) perfectly pitches the entire series with one image.

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