Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thor #4 Review

THOR # 4
Written by J. M. Straczynski
Art by Oliver Copiel

I'm probably in the minority here, but I am quite displeased with most of JMS's relaunch of Thor. This is not a Thor book. This is not a Donald Blake book. This is not a Marvel comic. This is JMS's personal soapbox where he beats us over the head with his own political and world views on topics such as the Katrina hurricane or, in this issue's case, the Dafur genocide in Africa.

One of my previous complaints about this relaunch of Thor was that there was no point to having the Donald Blake alter ego. He was just there to bring Thor back from the dead and after that was only used for dramatic Thor transformation scenes. This issue sees JMS using Blake as another prop in his political diatrab. Blake doesn't so much as appear in this issue as he is just some random plot device to get us to Africa.

Of course, JMS tries to prove that the "white man" can't help anyone in Africa and that the people don't even want them there. Kind of goes against his whole Doctors Without Borders speil from earlier in the book where he tries to show how much good they can do for people in these third world countries. Either the people want us there helping or they don't. They can't have it both ways regardless of JMS's attempts to show that.

And of course, after his big "only Africa can help Africa" speech, JMS has Thor solve all their immediate problems by putting up his own version of the Berlin Wall in the form of a giant chasm in the middle of Africa, which completely contradicts said speech about Africa not needing help from the outside and being able to solve their problems on their own.

Oh ya, let's not forget the return of three more Asgardians. Obviously the best human guards and protectors of the camp turn out to be gods in disguise. Heaven forbid normal humans be the chief protectors of these people. The only thing interesting to come out of their return is the exchange at the end with Thor alluding to his not wanting to wake certain Asgardians, most likely referring to Loki. Oh ya, Heimdall, the god that returned last issue? He shows up on the last page with glowing eyes stating he can help Thor find the rest of the Asgardians. Yes, that's pretty much the only major development in this issue besides confirming Thor is bulletproof.

The only redeemable feature of this issue is the incredible art by Copiel. It's a shame he's saddled with this title and I'm sure he's a major factor in this book's huge sales numbers. That and people wanting to see Thor beat up Iron Man last issue.

Verdict - Check It. I want to tell you to Avoid It, but I'm definitely in the minority in my dislike of this relaunch. The writing isn't terrible, but it is far too heavy handed and JMS uses Blake and Thor not as characters, but as props in his attempt at being deep and provocative.

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