Sunday, April 8, 2012

Cover of the Week - Thunderbolts and Daredevil

Seeing as it's a holiday weekend, let's just throw the Covers of the Week up onto the front page, shall we? We've got some dandy ones in store for you, including something that's distinctly like lightning and another that could probably be defined as thrillseeking. But we'll leave the final call up to you, so check behind the cut to see what we have in store this week!

Ken's Cover of the Week - Thunderbolts #172 by Mark Bagley

Ken: The cover isn't very original, it just hits all the nostalgia buttons for me. It's Mark Bagley drawing the team that easily became my favorite in the Marvel Universe years ago. Add to it the 15 years T-Bolts sticker in the corner, and I just enjoy seeing the old group together, because they're the best superhero team, even today.

Grant's Cover of the Week - Daredevil #10.1 by Marcos Martin

Grant: There's nothing about this cover that isn't amazing.  Marcos Martin has been stellar on his Daredevil work, providing for some of the most beautiful comic book art going right now.  This cover design is a perfect example of just how good Martin can be, taking some relatively simple design methods and making a whole that is far greater than the sum of its parts.  I love the use of braille, the stark white background, and the different colours for Daredevil's different senses.  The only gripe I'd have is "radar".  I understand what Martin's going for, but it doesn't have quite the same ring as the rest of it.

Runner-Ups:  Amazing Spider-Man #683 (variant), Skullkickers #13, Animal Man #8

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El Zarco said...

Indeed, that DD cover is just Awesome. -finally i was able to commen...i hope-

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