Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cover of the Week - X-Factor and Wonder Woman

No need for beating around the bush; we have some Covers of the Week to show you and you want to see them.  So why don't you hit the jump to see some extreme and wonderful stuff, eh?

Ken's Cover of the Week - X-Factor #232 by David Yardin

Ken: Sorcerers were always hippies. Nice use of the swirl being layered behind the main action of Dr. Dormammu setting Madrox on fire. On top of the simple color scheme this cover stands out because it just seemed to appear out of left field, there was no type of wacky appreciation cover or theme this month, so this extra sense of freedom benefits the book getting noticed on the shelf.

Grant's Cover of the Week - Wonder Woman #6 by Cliff Chiang

Grant: Cliff Chiang is probably the best thing that's happened to Wonder Woman in years.  As much as Brian Azzarello's story is helping this book along, Chiang's unique and grounded style is the thing Wonder Woman has needed more than anything.  Chiang's great contribution to this title is that he depicts Diana as both a warrior and a woman.  She's beautiful, certainly, but she's also tough as hell.  I think this cover is an excellent demonstration of that important distinction.

Runner-Ups:  Amazing Spider-Man #679.1, Peter Panzerfaust #1, DC Universe Presents #6

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