August was a noteworthy month as it saw our Two Year Anniversary, which I've tried to capture in this mishmash of panels and images from a favourite issue of Incredible Hercules, which I even use for our current banner. You can view a larger image of the cover if the text is too difficult to see by clicking here.
Some highlights from the month, aside from the anniversary and associated giveaways, included the recent Disney acquisition of Marvel, a fantastic Daredevil guest post by Christine Hanefalk, of the Other Murdock Papers, my obsession with Batman: Arkham Asylum, Matt's picks for a Marvel Comics version of Wednesday Comics and so much more. Hit the jump for all the posts in a handy table of contents-styled listing and make sure you didn't miss any of our great content!
While the act of creating a magazine was too much to do a monthly basis, the fake magazine proved so popular that I just couldn't leave it alone and, thus, these month end posts were born and have become a staple of the blog and act as a pseudo archives of sort. If you missed any news, reviews, moments of the week or any of the numerous opinion or editorials posted here at the Weekly Crisis, these posts provide a detailed account of everything we've done for the month in a convenient and easy to navigate post.
Cover Story - Weekly Crisis TYL Anniversary
- The Weekly Crisis - Two Years Later Anniversary - by Kirk Warren
- TYL Retrospective - The Weekly Crisis Two Years Later - by Kirk Warren
- TYL Day 2 Giveaway - Scalped Vol 1: Indian Country - by Kirk Warren
- TYL Day 3 Giveaway - Joe Kelly's I Kill Giants - by Kirk Warren
- TYL Day 4 Giveaway - Darwyn Cooke's Parker: The Hunter - by Kirk Warren
- TYL Day 5 Giveaway - Grant Morrison's Final Crisis HC - by Kirk Warren
- Weekly Crisis TYL Anniversary & Contests Summary - by Kirk Warren
- And the TYL Anniversary Winners Are... - by Kirk Warren
- Weekly Crisis State of the Union - by Kirk Warren
- Sirens and Divas - A Comparison - by Matt Ampersand
- Green Lantern: First Flight DVD Review - by Ryan Schrodt
- Wednesday Comics - Marvel Edition - by Matt Ampersand
- Reader Question - What is Continuity & Why is it Important? - by Kirk Warren
- The Ultimate Reading Experience - by Matt Ampersand
- SPOILERS - Blackest Night Big Bad Revealed - by Kirk Warren
- Eric's Soapbox - A Collection of Random Thoughts Vol 12 - by Eric Rupe
- The Life & Times of Matt Murdock - A Daredevil Retrospective - guest post by Christine Hanefalk of The Other Murdock Papers
- Black Lantern Wonder Woman? - by Kirk Warren
- Promotions - Lantern Rings for Everybody! - by Kirk Warren
- Top 10 Tuesdays - 10 Must Read Creators Follow-Up - Where Are They Now? - by Kirk Warren
- Marvel's September Shipping Shenanigans - by Matt Ampersand
- Diamond Sales Data - Top 10 Comics and Graphic Novels of July 2009 - by Eric Rupe
- Thoughts on Solicitations for November 2009 - by Eric Rupe, Matt Ampersand, Ryan Schrodt & Kirk Warren
- Eric's Soapbox - A Collection of Random Thoughts Vol 13 - by Eric Rupe
- Batman: Arkham Asylum First Impressions - by Kirk Warren
- Comics and the City - by Matt Ampersand
- Disney Buys Marvel - Initial Thoughts - by Matt Ampersand
- Amazing Spider-Man #601 - by Kirk Warren
- Ghost Riders: Heaven's On Fire #1 - by Kirk Warren
- Secret Six #12 - by Kirk Warren
- War of Kings #6 - by Kirk Warren
- Adventure Comics #1 - by Kirk Warren
- Amazing Spider-Man #602 - by Kirk Warren
- Blackest Night #2 - by Kirk Warren
- Green Lantern Corps #39 - by Kirk Warren
- Incredible Hercules #132 - by Kirk Warren
- Marvel Divas #2 - by Kirk Warren
- The Marvels Project #1 - by Kirk Warren
- Ultimate Comics Avengers #1 - by Kirk Warren
- Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 - by Kirk Warren
- Amazing Spider-Man #603 - by Kirk Warren
- Atomic Robo: Shadow From Beyond Time #4 - by Kirk Warren
- Batgirl #1 - by Kirk Warren
- Batman: Streets of Gotham #3 - by Kirk Warren
- Daredevil #500 - by Kirk Warren
- Superman/Batman #63 - by Kirk Warren
- Wolverine: Weapon X #4 - by Kirk Warren
- Batman and Robin #3 - by Kirk Warren
- Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter #3 - by Kirk Warren
- Dark Reign: Elektra #5 - by Kirk Warren
- Detective Comics #856 - by Kirk Warren
- Fantastic Four #570 - by Kirk Warren
- Green Lantern #45 - by Kirk Warren
- Incredible Hercules #133 - by Kirk Warren
- Incredible Hulk #601 - by Kirk Warren
- Nova #28 - by Kirk Warren
- The Flash: Rebirth #4 - by Kirk Warren
- 08. The Boys #33 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 07. War of Kings: Warriors #2 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 06. Captain America: Reborn #2 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 05. Dynamo 5 #23 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 04. Amazing Spider-Man #601 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 03. Agents of ATLAS #9 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 02. War of Kings #6 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 01. Secret Six #12 - by Ryan Schrodt
Ryan the Iowan's Comic Book Power Rankings for 08/12/09
- Unranked - Absolution #1 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 14. GI Joe Special Helix - by Ryan Schrodt
- 13. Batman #689
- 12. Uncanny X-Men #514
- 11. Dead@17: Afterbirth #3 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 10. GI Joe #8 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 09. Red Robin #3 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 08. Ultimate Comics Avengers #1 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 07. Green Lantern Corps #39 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 06. Amazing Spider-Man #602 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 05. Booster Gold #23 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 04. Blackest Night #2 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 03. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 02. Mice Templar: Destiny #2 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 01. Green Arrow/Black Canary #23 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 07. Supergirl #44 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 06. Mighty Avengers #28 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 05. Amazing Spider-Man #603 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 04. Power Girl #4 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 03. Batman: Streets of Gotham #3 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 02. X-Men: Legacy #227 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 01. Batgirl #1 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 14. Batman and Robin #3 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 13. Dark Avengers #8 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 12. Green Lantern #45 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 11. Gotham City Sirens #3 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 10. X-Force #18 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 09. Dark Wolverine #77 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 08. Blackest Night: Titans #1 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 07. Star Wars: Legacy #39 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 06. Dynamo 5 #24 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 05. Runaways #13 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 04. Teen Titans #74 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 03. Nova #28 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 02. Fantastic Four #570 - by Ryan Schrodt
- 01. Guardians of the Galaxy #17 - by Ryan Schrodt
- I Kill Giants TPB - by Eric Rupe
- Parker: The Hunter TPB - by Eric Rupe
- The Umbrella Academy Vol 1: The Apocalypse Suite TPB - by Eric Rupe
- Dynamo 5 Vol 2: Moments of Truth TPB - by Eric Rupe
- Godland Vol 1: Hello, Cosmic! TPB - by Eric Rupe
- Madame Xanadu Vol 1: Enchanted TPB - by Eric Rupe
Moments of the Week
Moments of the Week for 08/05/09 - by Kirk Warren
- Moments of the Week for 08/12/09 - by Kirk Warren
- Moments of the Week for 08/19/09 - by Kirk Warren
- Moments of the Week for 08/26/09 - by Kirk Warren
Cover of the Week
Cover of the Week for 08/05/09 - by Kirk Warren, Ryan Schrodt & Matt Ampersand
- Cover of the Week for 08/12/09 - by Kirk Warren, Ryan Schrodt & Matt Ampersand
- Cover of the Week for 08/19/09 - by Ryan Schrodt & Matt Ampersand
- Cover of the Week for 08/26/09 - by Kirk Warren, Ryan Schrodt & Matt Ampersand
Uh oh, Kirk, you confused "you're" with "your" in the speech bubble in the cover.
My bad, fixed it. Was rushing.
Fantastic cover!! Two years on, and Vol 7 of TMC, great work Kirk...and Matt, and Ryan, and all the other contributors :)
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