In honour of the two year anniversary, I've decided to put together a quick timeline of events that have changed the Weekly Crisis over the past year, along with my own annotations, ranging from new features, like a trade paperback review column and our monthly solicit annotations, to side projects, like the free magazine download, TMC - The Monthly Crisis, and so on.
I hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane. It helped remind me of the reasons why I love writing this blog and I can't believe how much the site has changed in the past year.
August 1st-5th, 2008 - The Weekly Crisis - One Year Later
Mid-December, 2008 to February 1st, 2009 - Kirk Goes AWOL
Things with the blog, while not particularly noteworthy, were going well for most of 2008 post-OYL, but, much like DC's attempt at a OYL storyline, I ran into some problems around about near the end of December, which saw no updates to the blog for a little over a month due to personal reasons on my part. It's definitely the low point of blogging for me and a combination of taking on too much work, and that's what it was becoming at that point, with the blog as well as outside factors. Not wanting to post a stream of excuses for no updates or admit the blog was finished (which I was afraid it was on more than one occasion during this period), I left the blog lay fallow until...
February 2nd, 2009 - I'm Alive!
With the blog practically on life support, I came back in February rejuvinated and with a renewed focus. Thankfully, as soon as I started updating again, traffic immediately spiked back up to near previous levels and, as of this post, are higher than they've ever been.
February 8th, 2009 - TMC - The Monthly Crisis

March 8th, 2009 - Introducing Matt Ampersand & Eric Rupe
To go with my return to blogging, I vowed never to let that kind of downtime happen again. As such, I reduced my own workload significantly and began pursuing several bloggers who's writing I really enjoyed. There were three people on my short list and, of those three, two, Eric and Matt, were more than happy to come on board while the third, Ryan, would hold out for several months before finally coming on board.
Both Eric and Matt made immediate impacts on the blog with their writing. Eric took up a weekly editorial column and diversified our reviews with a trade paperback review column. Meanwhile, Matt was busy doing random opinion and editorial pieces as well as participating and helping out on any and all group related projects, such as primers or the Cover of the Week column. If neither of these two had accepted my offer, I'm not even sure the blog would have lasted to this two year anniversary nor be anywhere near as successful as it has become in the time since they've joined.
March 10th, 2009 - First Reader Question
While, technically, I asked the first reader question in my first year when I asked people what they thought DC was doing wrong, it didn't really become a staple of the blog until March 10th, 2009, when I asked everyone what their most valuable comic was. People reacted incredibly well to the simple reader question post, seeing over 40 comments in the span of a day or two, and it's been a semi-regular feature, showing up every couple of weeks, ever since.
March 12th-13th, 2009 - Trade Waiting - Jonathan Hickman's The Nightly News & A Collection of Random Thoughts Vol 1
A day later, Eric would debut his other weekly feature - Eric's Soapbox - A Collection of Random Thoughts, which spotlights Eric's thoughts and opinions on everything and anything comic related, from prices to current events to creators and everything in between.
March 14th, 2009 - Cover of the Week - Immortal Iron Fist #23
March 27th, 2009 - Thoughts on Solicitations for June 2009
March 30th, 2009 - War of Kings Primer
April 30th, 2009 - The Multiversity - Grant Morrison, Watchmen 2, All Star Captain Marvel & More!
May 11th, 2009 - Don't Miss My Guest Post on CBR's Robot 6!
While the Weekly Crisis accepts and runs guests posts on occasion, I've only done a handful myself, the most noteworthy being this May 11th guest spot at Robot 6 for their What Are You Reading? column.
May 29th, 2009 - Ryan the Iowan's Comic Book Review Power Rankings
June 7th, 2009 - Bought/Thought - Batman and Robin #1
July 15th, 2009 - Blackest Night #1 Review
I hope you've all enjoyed this timeline and my thoughts on the events of the past year. It's hard to believe the number of changes that have occured in the past year, let alone since I first launched the site, and I didn't even go into the numerous cosmetic and functionality based changes that have been tweaked in this time.
This year has been hectic and had its highs and lows that nearly saw me give up on the site a few times during those dark days at the start of the new year, but I'm glad I stuck with it and I owe it to you readers for all the kind words, comments and acknowledgement over the past year as well as the help and contributions of Matt, Eric and Ryan, who were kind enough to join me here at the Weekly Crisis. And that's why I'm hosting the current round of Two Years Later contests - to reward you guys for the past year and continued support for the years to come.
Feel free to let me know what you think of the past year here at the Weekly Crisis - what you liked, what changes you were around for, any columns or features you would like to see a return of, what worked, what didn't, anything major you think I should have featured on the list of major events for my timeline, etc.
Thanks for reading and you can look forward to another year of comic book news, previews, reviews and more!
Man, it seems like it was just yesterday I was trying to win some free stuff in the One Year Later contest. Time flies!
Here's to many more years!
I wasn't around for the last OYL, since I started reading this a month or two before Kirk went AWOL (hilarious) so a bunch of the older older stuff was new to me. Kudos for making that Manhunter trade a prize. That was very cool. Also, re-reading those moments-of-the-week posts reminded me that I should get some Catwoman trades. Except that the first chunk of Pfeifer's run isn't collected. Just as well, since I have all of the Bru stuff in singles. Lastly, that magazine was pretty cool. I'm really glad that there is more reader input, too, in regards to posts. That's not something you get at a lot of the other comic blogger sites. Stay awesome, kids.
Kirk I m in the developing world so not even in contention for a prize but how do you decide what books to give away as prizes ?
Methinks it would have been better instead of Final Crisis and other popular bo0oks you could have given away another alternative book that is excellent and not so well known.
Anonymous, we all talked about it between ourselves, and we tried to get a mix of mainstream appeal, critical acclaim, and some level of obscurity (as in, not Marvel or DC).
The Final Crisis hardcover, which doesn't fall within that last category, was decided upon to give a little extra oomph to the contest and get more people interested in the giveaways. As for the other books, I don't think they are really that popular.
I know that I'd love to get the Final Crisis HC as a prize. I loved the series but haven't had the income to buy the trade.
I can't believe I've been following the site for almost two years. Since I stumbled upon it looking for a good review site, it has stayed in my bookmark bar right next to gmail and facebook.
Congrats all, can't wait for 3 years later!
Happy anniversary, Weekly Crisis! He's to the next two years, and hopefully not being written out of continuity by the next crisis.
I am pretty new to this site, got here through @el_matt's twitter feed, and I must say I love it. It is my second comic news source to check, CBR being the other.
You guys do a great job, and if you need any help (he asks with his hat in his hand) feel free to give me a call up. Or else, keep writing and I'll keep reading.
Congrats on a great milestone and on a work well done! I follow this blog diligently and you guys are really an inspiration for me in my own blogging. I know how much work it is, and that it sometimes feels like a real job that takes many hours every week. This site is always fun, has a great design and a positive vibe. Keep up the good work, and I'll keep coming back! :)
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