Saturday, August 15, 2009

And The TYL Contest Winners Are...

So, the Weekly Crisis turned two on August 1st. We ran several contests over the course of the 5 day celebration and let those contests run for the past week. After tallying the entries, we've picked some winners. Were you one? Hit the jump to find out!

Drum roll please...

And The Winners Are:

Scalped Vol 1: Indian Country Winner - Mike Hintze

On Why He Thought He Deserved to Win - I work with Indigenous peoples everyday and have never seen a work of fiction get the surprising nod of approval from them like this series does. Many of the people I work with say they know of reservations just like what is shown in Scalped. A testament to the research done by Jason Aaron!

I Kill Giants Winner - Daniel Woburn

On What the Weekly Crisis is Doing Right and/or Wrong (excerpt due to length of his reply) - Pros: Everything, man. One of the most clear, succint comic blogs I've seen on the net. The posts are really easily digestible, which is good. All of you guys, Kirk, Matt, Eric and Ryan - you all have such distinct styles to your posts, and such varying tastes that it makes it refreshing to read all your reviews and opinions.

Parker: The Hunter Winner - Mark Hill

Indie Books He Recommends - Not much of an indie reader, but never would have picked up Atomic Robo if you didnt recommend it. Maybe more from Red 5 or the Robo creators if they have anythign else?

Final Crisis HC Winner - Matt DeGoey

On How He First Found the Weekly Crisis - Some friends who helped me get into comic books ealier this year recommended this site for reviews.


These contests were designed to thank all of our loyal readers and I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to enter. On a personal note, I was surprised at the turn out for the entries. We get 1000's of unique visitors to the site every day and have over a 1000 people on our RSS, yet turnout for the contests was roughly the same as last years numbers and we've roughly doubled our traffic in that time frame. I thought I had made it easier to enter this time, too. If you didn't enter for some reason other than already owning the book on offer, feel free to let us know why in the comments below. I'm always curious about how we can make these even more accessible for people.

Also, as I'm more than happy to give away free stuff, I did virtually no outside promotion of these contests to lure in one time traffic since it was designed as rewards for our current readers. Shame to see most didn't want to take the time to enter, but hopefully that means they already have these wonderful trades.

Thanks again to all who entered and look forward to more contests in the future!

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Matt Duarte said...

I expected a bunch of "NOOOO" or "Damn, I lost" type of posts by now.

Anonymous said...

(it's Air here)

(If I could figure out how to post the picture of Darth, I would)

Better now Matt?

Daniel Woburn said...

holy shit! I never win anything, ha. Thank you Weekly Crisis, keep on truckin'

brandon said...

i would like to blame my not winning on jeph loeb.

Klep said...

I'm with brandon :)

David Miller said...

I had hoped to win the Parker or I Kill Giants trade but suspect I'll be OK without a prize. Thanks so much to the Weekly Crisis guys for running this great contest and for posting such great content!

Anonymous said...

My reason for not entering is simple. I live in India. Daily visitor to your site though, enjoy the work you put into it.

Quitney said...

Now I have to go buy the parker trade, damn you Loooooooooeb!

The Dangster said...

I don't want to sound like a sore loser but screw it. The fact that I didn't win means there is no god.

Anonymous said...

Kaaahhhhnnnnnnn..... Kaaahhhnnnnnn.....

Now I truly know how Kirk felt.

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