Monday, November 9, 2009

TMC Vol 9 - October Edition

We're already a week into November, so that means it's time for another edition of TMC - The Monthly Crisis, our monthly round-up post of all things Weekly Crisis, including everything from our reviews, moments of the week, news, editorials and more.  If you've missed anything from the past month, this post has it all collected in a handy magazine-style table of contents.

The cover story for the month fell upon Matt's The Anthology Dillema post and the lack of success these anthologies are having in western markets compared to how dominant they are in Europe and Japan.  For the cover of this "issue" of TMC, I went with the recent Marvel anthology, Strange Tales, as drawn by Paul Pope, to represent the anthology post Matt put together.  You can read about these and all our other posts after the jump.

For those unaware, TMC is a comic magazine I put together earlier this year as a free download that featured my year end awards, reviews and even some Final Crisis annotations.

While the act of creating a magazine was too much to do a monthly basis, the fake magazine proved so popular that I just couldn't leave it alone and, thus, these month end posts were born and have become a staple of the blog and act as a pseudo archives of sort. If you missed any news, reviews, moments of the week or any of the numerous opinion or editorials posted here at the Weekly Crisis, these posts provide a detailed account of everything we've done for the month in a convenient and easy to navigate post.

Cover Story - The Anthology Dilemma



*Note - Kirk was on vacation during the first two Wednesday's of the month and did not do reviews for either week.

Moments of the Week

Cover of the Week

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