Sunday, February 8, 2009

TMC - The Monthly Crisis Magazine

Before I was forced to take a month off from updating, I had planned to spice up the Best of 2008 awards by releasing them in a magazine format, which would have been free to download. As things got out of a control just as I was finishing it up, I ended up leaving it sitting.

When I returned last week, I quickly went to work finishing up the magazine and, as I had been away for a while, I decided to flesh out the magazine a bit and added some reviews for the month that I was away and a detailed set of Final Crisis annotations.

While I probably could have droned on at length and filled another 100 pages, it would have taken forever to come out, so I ended up with a nice 26 page magazine packed with content for you guys. For those wondering, this is a one-time deal, unless you demand more in the future, and I'll eventually transfer these magazine pages over to the actual blog for easier access, so there's no need to worry about the blog stopping or me going into the magazine or print business anytime soon.

As I put a lot of time into this and it's been a long time coming, feel free to use this post for comments and discussions, whether on a particular article or review or the magazine, in general. I've included a few shrunk down scans after the jump for those wondering what the magazine looks like before downloading.

For those that put up with my blabbering until now, here's your download links. The first is a Winrar file filled with high resolution JPGs while the second is a Winrar file containing a PDF version of the magazine. Enjoy!

JPG Version:

Mediafire: TMC_TheMonthlyCrisisJPG.rar (42.3MB)
Sendspace: TMC_TheMonthlyCrisisJPG.rar (42.3MB)
Torrent (hosted on Demonoid): TMC - The Monthly Crisis Comic Magazine.torrent (42.3MB; rename to .rar and unzip to view or use CDisplay to view .cbr file)

PDF Version:

Mediafire: TMC_TheMonthlyCrisisPDF.rar (49.1MB)

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Matt Duarte said...

Just finished reading it, and I must say it was greatly done. Very professional looking, Kirk.

And I know exactly how you feel about Final Crisis. I'm doing a review comparing the various aspects of both events over at my blog (shameless plug: and I re-read all of Final Crisis at least 3 times so I wouldn't make a fool of myself on the internet. I think I understand the whole story better now and I am less inclined to hate it as I was when I first read it in a monthly format.

Ron Cacace said...

Very cool, Kirk. What program did you use to make the images? It looks just as awesome as it was to read it.

Kirk Warren said...

@Matt Ampersand - Nice site, I'll be adding it to my links section in a bit.

@Rawnzilla - I used Photoshop and based it off some templates and example magazines I found online. From what I understand, InDesign is the defacto magazine editing program, but I couldnt make heads or tails of it and just stuck with my faithful PS CS3. Added more work with the editing of templates and the page numbers all the time though, but whatever works I guess.

Matt Duarte said...

Thanks, Kirk, I could always use a jump in my page hit numbers.

Bill said...

Nifty, and as Matt said, very professional. I skipped Final Crisis (except for flipping through 6 and 7 after spending all that time reading Batman: not-RIP), cause I thought it would be... exactly what it appears to have been.

Piper said...

I have never left comments although I have been reading your blog for a while. I just had to drop by and say I really enjoyed your magazine! Thanks for doing it.

Anonymous said...

amazing piece of work, Kirk. especially appreciated the Final Crisis annotations, it helped me so much, especially after going back and re-reading it.

On a completely different subject, I have also just read Grant Morrison's run on Animal Man. The man is clearly insane!

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to get this download service to work, is there anyway you can host it on something that isn't shitty?

Kirk Warren said...

Thanks for all the praise everyone, I'm glad you all enjoyed it.

@anonymous - You can't get mediafire to work? I chose it because it was free and didn't require any captcha's or timed downloads for people. What seems to be the problem for you, exactly? I just downloaded it, so the link is still working. Is it going slow? Times out when you click download?

However, I meant to put up some mirrors yesterday, but didn't get around to it. I'm making a torrent right now and I'll upload to another download service after that for those having difficulties. I'll update the post when they are created.

Anonymous said...

Kirk, if ever there was a post worth the wait, this was it. Brilliantly done, applaud the effort you put in for your readers.

Glad to have you back.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kirk, I have to admit, you did a great job! I wouldn't mind reading actual printed magazines like this.

I've always been one of the defenders of FC and that's why reading your thoughts on the two final issues was nearly heartwarming. The hate-campaign that has taken over all major comic-sites and -boards is just ridiculous, so it's really nice to see someone give the series the time and effort it deserves, even though you didn't think it was the best storyline ever made.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Nice work, Kirk. I didn't read Final Crisis, but I did enjoy all the rants about it on the various messageboards. :) Looking at your annotations, I know FC is not for me. I prefer Morrison in Animal Man/Doom Patrol mode.

Anonymous said...

Excellent job with the magazine Kirk, great way to make your return.

I just wanted to say this about Final Crisis, I have been reading comics for almost 3 years now (jumped in during Infinite Crisis/Civil War) so my knowledge of DC is all wiki-based. I had no trouble figuring out what was going on and enjoyed the non-linear approach. I feel like Final Crisis is ahead of its time and won't be appreciated for years to come. I felt Grant Morrison effectively crammed in EVERY aspect of the DC history, which should be an accomplishment in of itself. I think it closed the book on the Crisis trilogy perfectly and I am excited to see where DC goes from here. Once again great to have you back man, been coming to this site since almost the beginning, glad you are back!

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed your magazine Kirk!! Finally worked my way through it all this morning. Excellent job!! Shame you say it's the last one. Thanks again for all your work!!

Kirk Warren said...

@pat - The thing about all the so-called history jammed into Final Crisis is that a lot of it is superflourous and more self-referential to Grant Morrison's own, personal, work than anything else.

If the story had been marketed with Seven Soldiers as its big lead in story instead of Countdown, I think a lot more people would have been happy with it.

As it is, I think the story could have been just as good if he wasn't constantly assuming people knew about these other projects.

There are a great many people that dont know what SHADE is or why a Frankenstein monster is leading the charge or realized that so many things led back to Seven Soldiers and, to a lesser extent, other Morrison works, including his JLA and so on.

In the end, I enjoyed FC for what it was, but Morrison has done similar, and better, projects without the same level of density and self-referentialism.

@anonymous - This isn't to say it's the last magazine I'll ever do, but I don't have any immediate plans for a follow-up.

NerdFlag said...

Ok, so I'm a computer idiot. I can't get the RAR file to open.

Kirk Warren said...

@DOOMsday - Go here to download Winrar (free). install and unzip. You could try renaming the file extension to .zip and using your default zip program, but that sometimes causes problems. Another option is renaming it .cbr and using CDisplay to view it.

If you are still having problems, let me know and I'll see if I can upload a .zip version.

NerdFlag said...

Thank you, sir. I'll try it as soon as I have another free moment.

A. J. Payler said...

Cool idea making a 'magazine'but holy shit you really needed to proofread and spellcheck a lot more. I'm really disinclined to take seriously the opinion of someone who doesn't know the proper plural of the word 'hero,' for example--'heros' is only approprate when you're talking about a sandwich. Nice try though.

Kirk Warren said...

@Aaron Poehler - Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'm sorry one or two spelling mistakes out of several thousand words has crippled my credability in your eyes.

Anonymous said...

So what you are saying Mr Poehler is that because he has a spelling mistake, maybe two, that you will take him less serious. You do realize this was done free of charge. Comic websites like Newsarama, Comicbookresoures, and IGN make hundreds of mistakes a week and are being paid but they are to be taken more seriously? Criticizing something you probably have never attempted (if you have, I am sorry)comes across as you personally attacking Kirk for something he obvisouly spent hours working on free and for something so rediculous as two spelling mistakes.

Don't pay any attention to the ignorance of Mr. Poehler Kirk. Your work is greatly appreciated by the Comic community even if some individuals do not seem to value it. The magazine was a wonderful reading experience. Thank You and keep up the hard work!

CHOVENGO said...

I see your adredds from your TMC magazine , congratz for the effort and the hard work it is a good example for me I wish you can see my page it is in spanish but You can translate it , really you did a great work with TMC Congrats again Saludos desde Ecuador

Kirk Warren said...

@Chovengo - I actually cant speak Spanish. I simply ran the text from Iman's dialogue through a random online translating page to get a rough estimate of what he was saying in those panels. Thanks for taking the time to comment though, I appreciate the kind words.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across the TMC magazine by accident... didn't even know about this blog before that. I must say, thanks a lot for putting all this effort into it. Great job. I will definitely be checking out the blow from now on!

Anonymous said...

Hello Kirk:

I get your magazine from other source.
I must to say than it is a great work. Congratulations.
I am a fan of CRISIS long time ago. Your comments were very goods.
I am subscribing to your magazine.
So long.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kirk
Just caught your mag from a CBR link. Well done. I just launched my own mag here:

Glad to see I'm not the only crazy fanboy out there!

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