Saturday, February 14, 2009

Final Crisis #6 Review

Written by Grant Morrison
Art by JG Jones, Doug Mahnke, Carlos Pacheco & More

It's difficult reviewing Final Crisis' individual issues after the series has ended and especially after all the work I put in on it in the annotated article. I have the hindsight to see how everything eventually worked out and I've reread the thing like five times already to make sure I didn't miss anything for the annotations.

Add in all the research for specific links and reading obscure wiki articles and I've got Final Crisis coming out of my eyeballs. As such, it's become almost like an academic project that I've worked on and my opinion has almost run dry on it.

I do recall my initial impressions of this issue, in particular, and the so-called death of Batman and I was, honest to god, extremely pleased with Final Crisis for delivering so many excellent moments in one issue. Whether it was Batman confronting Darkseid, the intense moments as Superman returns or the epic battle for Bludhaven, it all just flowed extremely well and I was anticipating the final issue with glee.

That said, I know how issue seven turned out and you can read my review of that issue for my thoughts on it, but knowing how Batman's death is reversed and my initial, "WTF?", reaction to issue seven's channel zapping format left me despising the entire thing moreso than the middle chapters of this event.

Verdict - Must Read. Batman dies, you have to read it whether you're a fan of it or not. However, for what it's worth, this is easily the best issue of the series, regardless of how the event turned out, and, when I read this, it was the first time I was honestly blown away by this event.

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