Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Annihilation: Conquest - Starlord #4 Review

Written by Keith Giffen
Art by Timothy Green III

Keith Giffen wraps up the Starlord mini-series with a solid effort. It's probably the weakest issue of the run, but with the bar set so high with the first three issues, you'd be hard-pressed to call this offering bad in comparison to anything else on the market.

If you were here last issue, you know that Captain Universe was left bloodied and alone in the sewers after fighting off an entire wave of Phalanx drones and his entire team captured. You'd expect some major follow up on his part with this issue. However, you'd be wrong. Giffen jumps ahead and has him meet up with the only other member to avoid capture, Mantis. From there, Giffen has to free the team, find a cure for the Phalanx virus, fight their way out of the Phalanx installation, steal a ship and escape from the planet - all in one issue.

To say this final issue falls victim of trying to wrap up everything in a single issue is an understatement. I think if Giffen had another 5 or so pages, it would have made a huge difference in the pace of this issue. As it is, everything felt rushed with a lot of random plot devices that seem to have been put in just to get the characters where they need to be, the Kree squad that stopped fighting with the escaped heroes is one example.

The book was still great. It just fell a little short of expectations. I was happy to see everyone make it out alive, as every single one of these D-listers have been more entertaining than just about any supposed A-lister hero's book I've read in recent memory. I look forward to seeing more of them in the main Conquest mini-series.

Verdict - Must Read. It may not be as good as the first three issues, but it's still a damn good read compared to everything else out there and is easily one of the best Conquest tie-ins. While not immediately present in the debut issue of Conquest, the events of this series should be felt as the team is set to show up in the near future.

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