Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Wellinton Alves
Sadly, this was the worst issue of Nova since issue #1. Reading this issue really bummed me out because I usually love this title. Nothing clicked with me this time around though.
Instead of picking up on the Technoarchy homeworld, it appears Nova and Gamora were ensnared in some kind of cosmic, subspace web for some kind of wormhole creature or something. Ya, that teleporter thing he stepped into last issue wasn't exactly a one way trip.
After waking up with Gamora in his arms, the duo quickly agree to a cease fire in light of their new surroundings. What happened to Gamora's Phalanx Select programming exactly? I thought it was a "kill Nova no matter what" command and not a "hey, cuddle up with your ex and talk about your feelings instead of killing him" command.
It's not that these were badly written scenes, but the entire situation seems manufactured by the writers and only serves to pull me out of the story. All this relationship stuff with Gamora could have been handled in a much better fashion after Nova deals with the Phalanx and Gamora and Drax were freed from being Selects. None of this stuff reads like the Gamora and Nova that killed Ko-Rel and went to have sex in the showers afterwards. If they were that callous and unfeeling there, why is Gamora now getting all puppy dog eyed with Nova and reminiscing with him about their old love life?
Verdict - Check It. While I still liked this issue, it was no where near as good as earlier issues in the series. In fact, we are back where we started in terms of story by the end of the issue and it feels like I could have skipped this issue and not missed a beat next month.
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