Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Immortal Iron Fist #10 Review

Written by Ed Brubaker & Matt Fraction
Art by David Aja

I should have enjoyed this issue more than I did. I have no idea why I came away from it feeling unsatisfied. The writing and dialogue was spot on as usual. The art was fantastic. We even continued to see more of the Iron Fist history with Danny's father and Davos in the flashback scenes and lots of behind the scenes intrigue as the tournament continued on.

With all that happening, I still felt like the entire issue was filled with nothing but sound and fury, signifying nothing. Danny even doesn't appear in this issue despite the claims of the solicit saying he returns to the fight armed with the secrets of Orson's past. On top of that, the Dog Brother #1 and Bride of the Nine Spiders fight was done almost completely off panel and all of the plotlines have barely moved since last issue despite having an Annual's worth of story last month to compliment everything that happened in this issue. The entire issue felt almost like filler, despite all these random developments.

It might sound like I hated the issue, but I didn't. It's just the issue felt like filler and I hate paying money and feeling like I was ripped off. This issue is what I would call a trade paperback issue. This will read great with the inevitable trade, but that doesn't make me feel any better about it now. The only thing of note from this issue concerns the Thunderer. He has an interesting conversation with the Prince of Orphans, which shows that they know each other, and he follows that up with an interesting dialogue with Rand's granddaughter, which seems to hint at a conspiracy of some sort on their part.

Verdict - Check It. It's still Iron Fist and a lackluster issue of Iron Fist is still better than just about any book out there. On the plus side, all the plots are building to what should be an explosive climax over the next two issues.

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