Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Tom Raney
It was a toss up between this and Thunderbolts as my Comic Book of the Week, but, in the end, Conquest won out in my eyes by the smallest of margins. Both are Must Read books and easily the best from this week's crop of books.
Conquest hits the ground running this month, picking up from last month's cliffhanger ending (you know, the one where Ultron put his fist through Moondragon's chest).
The remainder of the issue focused on Starlord and his loveable losers. They continue to place charges around the Babylon Spire in an attempt to take it down and allow help in from outside the currently inpregnable bubble surrounding Kree space. Unfortunately, Blastaar, who had been intentionally taken prisoner earlier in the series to feed the team information, has finally come under the sway of the Phalanx Select program and promptly leads them to Peter and Gabriel where upon he blasts Gabe into oblivion. I should have seen this coming when Gabe lost the Uni-Force, but it's still sad to see him killed off. He was one of my favourite Starlord team members, right up there with Groot and Mantis. On top of killing off Gabe, they end the issue with a reconstituted Ultron, fresh off his supernova 'death' earlier in the issue, readying to pull another Moondragon on Starlord, himself. Hopefully Mantis has some way out of this for Peter next month.
Verdict - Must Read. This is like bottled awesomeness in paper form with pretty pictures. If you aren't reading Conquest, you're a DC fanboy. Ya, I went there. Now go buy it!
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