Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Annihilation: Conquest #5 Review

Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Tom Raney

Let's get this out there right now. I liked this issue, I really did, but, with only one issue left, I can't see how this series will end with any kind of satisfaction.

With so many things left unresolved in this penultimate issue, Abnett and Lanning decided to give us a series of "how'd Ultron get involved in all this" flashbacks as Ultron is being downloaded / transferred into Adam Warlock's body. I'm not sure how that even works, but I'm guessing lots of lube and duct tape was involved. Having deus ex machina High Evolutionary probably helped, too.

Pesonally, I didn't need another Mighty Avengers recap of how Ultron was defeated or find out that the evil AI killing machine has a distaste for his flawed human creators or any other random flashback moment. It was pretty obvious Ultron was assimilated into the Phalanx and took control. I didn't really need half an issue dedicated to it when we could be wrapping up all the other subplots or fleshing out other sections of the story.

As I said, Ultron is now in Warlock's body, making him a perfect organic being. He only hated humans and other lifeforms for their genetic failings. Warlock is perfect and now Ultron wants the High Evolutionary to use the 'perfect' Kree clone army he was building to transfer all the Phalanx into perfect organic bodies with which Ultron will use to get generic super villain revenge on Earth.

Meanwhile, the Kree sentry robots that Ronan has magically made immune to the Phalanx wipe out the entire Phalanx threat on Ravenous' planet and are all on their way to Kree-La to purge the planet of the Phalanx. I'm a bit confused at how this will work, as didn't the Phalanx take control of their own army of Kree robot sentinels back in the Prologue issue? Combined with any orbital defenses and the Phalanx and their Kree slaves, wouldn't they mop the floor with Ronan's battalion?

The only other thing of note is with Starlord's group. Groot "sacrifices" himself, with a little growth spurt from Mantis, by intertwining himself with the Babel Spire and igniting himself. While this seems great and all, destroying the Spire won't really do anything except open up Kree space to allow outsiders in. As far as I know, it doesn't really have any other tactical purpose and with the Shi'ar ruined by Vulcan and the Skrulls replacing Cap and the rest of the gang on Earth, there's not much left out there to come save them from this action, but maybe they'll surprise me with something.

Verdict - Check It. I love the series and enjoyed the issue, but I don't think this was a Must Read issue for anyone except the most diehard Annihilation fans, like myself. Final issue is doublesized, so maybe they'll be able to wrap up the numerous plot threads without rushing it.

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