Written by Keith Giffen
Art by Timothy Green III
Annihilation: Conquest marches on and Starlord continues to impress with another solid offering this week. Giffen shifted gears this issue and scaled things back after the action packed issue last month.
The time frame jumps ahead a few days this issue and has Starlord looking for the supposed Phalanx reproduction facility. Mantis' theory is that the advanced Phalanx have developed a miniaturized facility or delivery system for the new facility. Peter confirms this by accessing the Kree terminal with his old access codes and finds out they are using the Kree people, who are free to walk around under Phalanx supervision, as hosts for nanobot reproduction organisms.
With the new found knowledge, Peter returns to his ragtag band of followers, who are dealing with the fallout of last issue's battle. During this time, Groot, who stayed behind last issue and apparently died shows up alive and well, although much smaller, roughly a few inches high. Apparently the plant-like Groot regrew from a sprig offshoot. It was explained quite well in the book and I'm glad to see him back. He takes up residence on Rocket Racoon's shoulder in a comical reversal for the two companions.
The reunion is cut short as the team is forced from the sub-levels by a Phalanx clean-up crew in the form of mechanical rat-like creatures flooding the tunnels, killing all life they find. The team does their best to escape, fleeing to the upper levels of the complex. In the end, Captain Universe is forced to stay behind and buy them time to make their escape. The Uni-Force reveals to Gabe that he is infected by the airborne Phalanx nano virus and that the rest of the team is most likely infected as well.
The team makes it, minus Gabe, to the upper levels where they are quickly surrounded by the Phalanx drones, which monitor the Kree population. Starlord orders they surrender, as they would just end up killing the Kree in the ensuing fire fight with the Phalanx. Groot protests to hilarious affect. Mantis, being the Celestial Mondonna, can apparently evade all scans by the Phalanx and avoids capture. The issue ends with Mantis explaining that Gabriel of the Uni-Force is our only hope while Gabe is shown battered and bloodied after destroying all the sub-level Phalanx attackers in a great pose reminiscent of the 'Wolverine in the sewers' image during the original Hellfire Club story back during the Phoenix Saga.
This issue was excellent all around. While not as action packed as last issue, it delivered lots of story and some great moments from most of the characters. I'm loving Mantis and her dialogue is some of my favourite from any character in any comic. It's great to see Groot survive and his and Rocket's interactions are always funny. Next issue looks to be an explosive conclusion and my only hope is that all these characters survive as I am loving each and every one of them.
Verdict - Must Read
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