Is the villain a 'fan favourite' as the solicits say? Yes he is. Is he who anyone thought he would be? Not a chance and, to be honest, I'm not even sure how this even works based on what is going on in other books.
Be forewarned. There are MAJOR SPOILERS for the first issue of Annihilation: Conquest after the break.
If you're still determined to know who the villain is though, hit the jump for the big reveal.

A while back I posted my 5 Potential Villains for Annihilation: Conquest and I didn't even have Ultron on that list. What's everyone elses thoughts on this? Love it? Hate it? Waiting until you read it before you have an opinion? I'm just completely shocked and not really sure what to think at this point in time.
I think there is more to this than what we see. All this soul emphasis I think has to do with other things. Plus I don't know why there is a Kree connection and how Adam could be a savior in this type of situation.
New guy posting, just recently started reading your blog. =)
I'd just like to point out that all plot contrivancies aside and whether or not he would be the best bad guy for Conquest, that is probably the coolest looking iteration of Ultron so far. At least it's way cooler than the one in Mighty Avengers.
Hey I know that scan... I made it! You visit GameFAQs do you?
Acutally I dont visit Gamefaqs. I received the image in my email from a friend of mine. Not sure where he got it. Although, I've seen it on a couple comic sites now. Some have a second image with the two kneeling guys and the Phalanx tower on it as well.
And pvt minsk, I agree. It is a badass image of Ultron. Love the cape, regardless of whether a sentient robot would ever need or desire it, ahah. Much more in line with his Busiek and earlier iterations. Now we just need Thor busting in and saying, "I would have words with thee!".
I guess it spread further than I thought... It's clearly my image, all the way down to the improperly cropped corner (I got lazy at scan #50+ of the day) I was just curious as to how it got around so fast...
"We kneel before you, Oh Lord UglyFace."
I personally think the Ultron of MA is a totally different consciousness that grew out of Stark's Armour after the whole 'Sentient Armour' stuff, and it's as similar to Conquest's Ultron as a Human is to the common Chimp: 99.1% of it is the same, except for tha one bit which distinguishes them.
Boobtorn wasn't the real Ultron and if so was just an fail experament Ultron threw out wend he was remaking the Phalanx
Try to remember that Ultron constantly upgrades him/itself.
It's a computer, designing another computer, which in turn improves upon the next version... and so on and so forth.
In fact, people in the MU occasionally just FIND old versions of Ultron just lying around! (remember that he was once found in a Junkyard? Turned into a robotic Killer Santa/Ultron Klaus?)
The idea that an advanced version of Ultron could have gone into space and taken over the Phalanx isn't so implausible.
I mean, it's somewhat implausible... but not 'totally' implausible.
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