Friday, November 2, 2007

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 10/31/07

Friday signals another Comic Book Moments of the Week. This week's edition is dominated by New X-Men #43. Rockslide stole every scene he was in and there's several other comical and touching scenes from that issue showcasing why it was the Comic Book of the Week. On top of that is some Gary Frank Superman, the Quasar saviour and even some Greg Land tracings.

If you missed the reviews this week, be sure to catch up with the Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews and the follow up Quick Shot Reviews. When you're ready, hit the jump for all of this week's Moments of the Week!


"Santo is such a tool."

The mutant on the left was revealed as the youngest mutant out of the entire New X-Men squad. Being teenagers, they singled him out and are convinced he'll be the first to die to whatever mutant hating terrorist or threat shows up next to try and make mutants extinct. Santo stays up playing games with him to keep him company. Being Santo, he obviously has to be a dick while doing it and we love him for it.

"I'll go first. Anole's gay!"

Continuing to be a complete tool, Santo first uses his 'friend' as a human camp fire and then goes on to out Anoles in front of everyone. And to cap off this great 2 page spread is Beast showing up with bullet proof outfits for the kids. Love how the new fear of death has everyone jump on the idea of the kevlar suit.

"$#@%ing Unicorns!"

If you remember last month's Moments of the Week, I featured Wolverine's training of the mutant Pixie. Here's the follow up in this week's issue with Wolverine's opinion on mutants to worry about.

"Poor Laura."

Straying from the more comical scenes in this week's New X-Men is this follow up to Surge kissing Hellion. Laura, who has only really known death as a government controlled, unfeeling assassin was experiencing conflicting emotions over how she felt about Hellion. This is the fallout of seeing Surge kiss her and how Laura doesn't know how to deal with emotions like love and jealousy.

"We all can't live forever like Wolverine here."

This was another funny scene that pokes fun at Wolverine's apparent immortality and shrouded past.


"Thy Kingdom Come"

The scene probably makes no sense if you've never read Kingdom Come, but it's a nice touch relating back to how KC Superman gave up on the world and retired from super-heroics.


"We were the Legion of Super-Heroes."

While I feel this wasn't new artist Gary Frank's best work, this is still a striking splash page of the Legion of Super-Heroes that many fans will probably love and end up using as a wallpaper for their desktops.

"Not so super now, are we?"

While the idea of Earth's Sun turning red in only a 1000 years is ludicrous, this is still a great scene as Superman learns his powers don't work while trying to stop a laser beam. For a guy that's never really felt much pain, what with being super and all, I'm surprised he can just stand there and take that new hole in his hand.

QUASAR #4 (of 4)

"Let's duel!"

I didn't much enjoy this final issue of Quasar, but the art was spectacular and this splash page of Phyla unleashing all of her Quantum Band powers on the Super Adaptoid was pretty awesome looking.

"He who is Him who is Adam Warlock!"

The saviour stands revealed! Aside from Giffen proclaiming Adam Warlock was hands off throwing a wrench in most people's speculation, it was pretty obvious from issue 1 that this saviour was going to be Adam Warlock. There's not too many all powerful beings that hatch from coccoons during cosmic events to be the big hero and saviour of the universe.


"Super White Lady."

Here we have Black Tarantula being taught the finer ways of the computer by Super White Lady. Love the salsa and chip joke.

Ok, this isn't from this week's comics, but it's a series of panels that have been floating around the interweb for years now. A poster on the Penny Arcade forums reminded me of it and it fits in perfectly with the next scene from this week's Daredevil Annual.

"Bricks. My only weakness. How did you know?"

Daredevil is a little under the weather in this week's Annual and the ol' radar isn't up to snuff, but, god damn, punching and destroying a brick wall has got to be painful. The look on his face in the second panel is accurate and hilarious at the same time.


"Tracing? Oh, that's just a reference model."

I like Greg Land's zombies and his Dr Doom is usually perfect, but the man can't draw to save his life. Take a look at these 2 side-by-side Thing shots from the same issue of this month's Ultimate Power. The same issue. Like 2 pages apart. He rotates the arm up in one pic, but the face is literally lifted from the first image with no changes. I know there's some books that have the same panel used a couple times in a row for decompression or to set up a joke or whatever, but these are 2 separate fight scenes unrelated to each other that he just copy and pasted or traced his image over onto.

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Anonymous said... 1

Great job! Your sense of awesome AND your sense of humor are both appreciated.
Thanks for doing this.

Anonymous said... 2

I'm gonna have to disagree on your Greg Land/Thing assessment. Sure the expression on his face, particularly the mouth, looks similar, but take a closer look at wide variety of pebbly parts on both Thing's head on the arm you say was just rotated. None of the pebbly parts match up. On the right-side pic, right below the wheel, is a rather pronounced, large orange pebbly piece...but it isn't anywhere to be found in that size and shape on the left pic. Sorry dude, Greg Land may copy pictures of porn stars to make his women...but he drew two distince Things.

Kirk Warren said... 3

Yes, there's some minor differences roguesmurf6, but take a look at this image from an earlier Ultimate Power issue and try and tell me it's not a reused image. It's pretty obvious he's got the same "reference" photo and then just adds some small cosmetic changes to try and cover up the blatant tracing.

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