Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Annihilation: Conquest - Quasar #4 Review

Written by Christos Gage
Art by Mike Lilly

Well this was something else. The big reveal for the saviour was in this issue, but was that enough to make everything else Gage offered worth while? The short answer is no.

After the dramatic use of all her remaining Quantum power at the end of last issue I expected the bulk of this issue to focus on the saviour and his role in the upcoming Conquest. Gage decided to give the most over done and plain cringe worthy performance I have read in a long time.

That threat of the Phalanx Phyla destroyed last issue? Well, there's still a bunch of them left apparently and Phyla, who is super strong, can fly and still has her Quantum sword is worried she and her giant dragon can't handle them. This gives way to the painful to read dialogue that basically consists of some 3rd rate self-help / self-esteem boosting seminar on why how they can persevere over such tremendous odds.

Sadly, it doesn't get any better once Phyla breaks off and heads off to fight the Super Adaptoid on her own. Continuing the "I can do it if I try" spiel, Gage uses the corniest and most cliched plot devices to defeat the Super Adaptoid. Machines don't have imagination, so it shuts down? Right...moving on.

The only redeeming part of this issue is the last few pages with the big reveal. If you're still reading, you obviously want to be spoiled, so I'll come right out and say it. The saviour is none other than Adam Warlock, whom I predicted long ago when I made up my list of 5 Possible Annihilation Conquest Villains. Based on his rebirth, it looks like the #1 villain I speculated on in that article will actually end up being the main villain of Conquest.

Oh ya, Quasar fans, the male one, will be happy to see his ghost presence in this issue cleansing the Quantum Bands of the impurity of Annihilus. He even jokes about his numerous deaths and how he might come back some day, so the door is open for the Wendall fans.

Verdict - Avoid It. Aside from the big splash page reveal of Adam Warlock, there is nothing worth seeing in this issue. Is one page of something you've been spoiled on worth plodding through this overly sappy and cliched comic? I don't think so. Save some money and skip this. Gage is usually so much better than this. Not sure what happened here.

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