Written by Christos Gage
Art by Mike Lilly
I am usually all giddy after reading any issue related to Annihilation: Conquest, but this week's Quasar left me with a lukewarm reaction. The issue was better than Wraith, but not as good as the previous Quasar or anywhere near Starlord or Nova's offerings. This sounds negative, but the latter two offerings were some of the best books put out this year, so it was tough follow-up act for Quasar to deliver on.
This issue picks up with Phyla-Vell and Moondragon in space battling a Brood-like alien when Phyla goes crazy again from the corruption inside her Quantum Bands taking over. The alien is killed outright and Moondragon barely manages to get Phyla to reign herself in and retake control of herself. From here, we get a brief origin recap on who and what Moondragon is and where her powers and name are derived.
I did not know much about the character previously, but had researched enough from Wikipedia to make this rather long retelling a bit redundant for myself, but I am sure some new people found it interesting. Considering how the book ended, I am pretty interested in finding out what happens next issue thanks to this recap. I was disappointed to find little to no information on the mysterious figure Quasar is looking for, but now that the Super Adaptoid is on his trail, things should pick up next issue on that front.
This issue continues the story and gives us a little action, but the main focus is Moondragon and what happens to her at the end of this issue. Still well worth the price of admission and an excellent addition to the Conquest saga. If you can afford more than Nova and Starlord each month, make sure this book is the next one on your list.
Verdict - Must Read
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