Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Tony Daniel
This time he's got The Mummy look going on, toilet paper wrappings and everything. On top of that, it features the defection of Batman's son, Damian, as Ra's tries to use him as his new host.
The bulk of the story deals with two drawn out fight scenes. One involves three fishnet clad women, whom I can't recall ever knowing, distracting Batman from something - I'm not quite sure what yet. I think it was the stealing of the corpse of someone I don't know and it's never explained and done off panel.
The rest of the issue deals with Ra's trying to claim Damian's body as his new host. For some reason Damian decides this is not a good deal for him and rebels, fleeing his grand papa in favour of warning his father, Batman.
During these two big fight scenes, some crazy stuff happens and there's a Sensei guy who is betraying Ra's somehow and some crazy chinese mask selling shop owner that tells Batman a bunch of stuff. I'm not sure who he is either.
Oh ya, go back and buy the Batman Annual from a few months back so you know all about Damian being used as a host and how this all works and a bunch of other important stuff that Grant Morrison leaves out of this quick read. Literally, it reads in about 2 minutes flat. Would a few monologue text boxes explaining some of this stuff kill him?
On the bright side, this issue looked pretty. Tony Daniel is a great artist and should be able to put out more than 3 issues a year like Kubert.
Verdict - Check It. I'm not sure what I just read and how it ties into the Ra's storyline, but Ra's returned in this issue and some stuff happened. I'll let you know when I figure it out.
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