Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Logan #2 Review

Written by Brian K. Vaughan
Art by Eduardo Risso

I like this mini-series from BKV and Risso, but it feels like these should just be random Wolverine: Origins stories instead of off on its own. I know I wouldn't want to be associated with W:O, but this book is exactly what Origins should be like. It would also give them time to flesh this story out a bit more.

Logan hooked up with yet another Japanese woman in the first issue and they have some light pillow talk the next morning before Lt. Warren, no relation, returns to kill Logan and his new woman for being traitors and spies. He "kills" Logan first and has a short fight with Atsuko before he stabs her in the chest, killing her.

These leads to a new fight with Logan, as he recovers from the bullet in the head, where we find out Lt. Warren is a mutant as well with similar powers to Logan. Instead of regeneration, I think Warren is either immortal or simply can feel no pain, as he doesn't recover from any of his wounds to my knowledge (it shows the sword wound in his chest unhealed). The fight is cut short as Hiroshima gets nuked into oblivion. Logan is the only one shown coming from the ashes, a pile of regenerating flesh.

I assume Warren is the fiery skeleton entity at the beginning of this chapter in present day, as well as from last issue, and it will be the result of something from this explosion.

As I said, it's a good story, but not for the pedigree of the book (Risso and BKV). Atsuko has appeared in maybe 4 or 5 pages total with Logan and a few more during her fight scene, leaving me with no attachment for her and not caring in the slightest that she was killed off. Similarly, Warren has almost no motivation for what he did and the conflict seems a bit forced. Finally, Risso felt the need to stamp his big signature logo on the bottom of just about every page, which was fairly distracting for some reason and completely unnecessary on his part. Seems like it was done just so he could resell the images on their own at a later date.

Still, it's an enjoyable enough read and I don't think you'd be remiss to go out and pick this up if you have a little extra cash. It won't be the most memoriable story and I doubt anyone will be talking about this in the future, but it's still a good book worth taking a look at it.

Verdict - Check It

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