Written by Brian K. Vaughan
Art by Eduardo Risso
Surprisingly, this was the weakest issue of this series, despite all the build up and slow paced beginning that should have set up an explosive climax.
The bulk of this issue deals with the fight between Warren and Logan. His immortality-like powers have left him a flaming husk of a man and he's set to kill Wolverine. We get a relatively short fight that ends with Warren ripping Wolverine's heart out of his chest and eating it. This, somehow, causes his entire body to regenerate back into a humanoid form.
This all lead to a short interlude flashback to a midnight bath Logan had with his Japanese lady friend before Warren killed her. I'm not sure if this is just in his mind or if it actually happened, as we were shown quite clearly she tended to him, they ate, had sex and went to bed before Warren killed her. Not sure when they drew the bath and had some fun times there.
After the breif flashback, Wolverine gets up from his heartless state and proceeds to kill Warren in rather short manner, decapitating him off panel. We end with another flashback to the Japanese woman as Logan is in a near-death dreamlike state and she offers to take his memories of her away, to which he refuses.
Yes, that's it. I don't know what to say. I expected much more from Vaughan. Risso held up his end of the bargain with great art, but this story didn't need to be told and only served to add yet another Japanese woman to Logan's growing list of dead girls he dated and it featured every possible Wolverine cliche imaginable. Despite that, I enjoyed the first two issues. This final one, however, just turned into a generic fight that just ends out of the blue and the issue almost feels like it belongs to a different story compared to the first two.
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