Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Nightwing #143 Review

Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Art by Don Kramer and Christian Alamy

I've given Nightwing a lot of praise with Tomasi's current run on the title and this issue continues the trend. It's not as good as the last two issues, but it's still leaps and bounds above anything from this title in the past couple years. This is an action packed issue that deals with the "zombie"-like resurrections that have been running in the background of the title since Tomasi came on board.

However, the action of this issue is the biggest detriment. Not on the art side, as Kramer does a great job, but just in the fact this grave robbing storyline has been rather boring and the worst part of the run. On top of that, we don't even finish that storyline, as the villain, who I still don't know if I'm supposed to recognize him (Nightwing didn't even know him), is as forgettable as the actual plot.

The thing that bolsters this issue is the very thing that has really wow'd me with this title of late - the characters. Nightwing and Robin have some great dialogue and they both have that big brother / little brother type feel to them. Some of opening jokes fall a little short, but, all in all, we read these books for the characters and Tomasi does a great job with both of them.

Verdict - Check It

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