Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Countdown to Final Crisis #12 Review

Story by Paul Dini
Story consultant: Keith Giffen
Script by Adam Beechen
Art by Carlos Magno and Rodney Ramos

This turned out MUCH better than I thought it would be. With those previews focusing on the Amazons, I was really scared there for a minute that we were heading back to dangerous waters.

However, much like this week's Conquest, Countdown was all setup for future issues. Seems like this is a good time of year for vacationing in Apokalips because everyone is heading there this issue.

As we saw last issue, the Challengers were sent there by the Source's floating hand of doom. Well, the hand pointed them in the right direction. Technically, a Monitor sent them there. Anyways, they get there, comment on the weather and look for their luggage.

The Amazons storyline ended with a whimper as Wonder Woman's mommy came in and sliced Granny Goodness' face, causing her to Boom Tube out of there. Harley, Mary and Holly decided to tag along to get some sun on Apokalips.

Don't worry, we're not done with the Boom Tubing yet. Piper made a return to the book, after a bit too much time in the sun, and he takes the Boom train to crazy town. Not to miss out on the action, Jimmy and naked bug girl get a message written on their shower about something they did last summer and it prompts them to hightail it out of dodge. I think they're gonna end up on Apokalips. Just a guess.

If I missed anyone that's still in the series, you can assume they were Boom Tube'd to Apokalips.

Verdict - Boom Tube It. I don't think I mentioned it yet, but there were a lot of Boom Tubes in this issue. You could say they were booming. The internet should upgrade to Boom Tubes. Sure beats the series of tubes it runs on now.

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