Story by Paul Dini
Story consultant: Keith Giffen
Script by Adam Beechen
Art by Al Barrionuevo and Art Thibert
Well, throw the whole Solaris / OMAC possibility out the window. Piper blows up the planet. Yes, the flute playing nobody blew up all of Apokalips with his Anti-Life Equation song, The Showstopper, from Salt N Pepa. I'm serious. It says he's thinking of a song and that it's The Showstopper before he starts playing.
Piper also, literally, blew Desaad's head off when he found out he was the one that was responsible for everything that happened to Piper and Trickster, which was basically just Desaad talking to Penquin. Let's forget how the two of them helped kill the Flash. That had nothing to do with them being hunted by the law nor did their fleeing police custody having anything to do with Trickster getting some lead poisoning (ie. bullets). Still, pretty badass moment for Piper, depsite it making absolutely no freaking sense.
In other news from Apokalips, Red Robin follows the OMACs back to Eye while the cheerleader brigade of the Amazons, Mary and Challengers follow Red Robin's non-existant trail to find him. This culiminates with Red Robin going one on one with an OMAC, resulting in Firestorm and the others being freed.
Meanwhile, Karate Kid gets dissected and the virus, which should be throughout his blood and organs, gets pulled out of him by OMAC for future use in destroying the universe, I guess. KK was left in a bloody heap, which almost has to be a death for him by now.
The heroes all try to stop Eye, but it boom tubes everyone to the surface, where a million OMACs await them. Piper was left behind for the aforementioned Galactus impersonation. Sadly, Eye gets away as a flying disc as his OMACified Apokalips explodes. Our heroes are left to die and Kyle is out cold from, well, I guess he was tired, because there wasn't any fight to my knowledge to knock him out, so no green bubble of living for everyone.
Verdict - Check It. There's a conclusion coming from somewhere. Why we spent so much time assimilating Apokalips just to blow it up is a bit odd, but makes for decent popcorn style action.
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