Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Countdown to Final Crisis #7 Review

Story by Paul Dini
Story consulting by Keith Giffen
Script by Sean McKeever
Art by Ron Lim and Mark McKenna

Ugh, don't make 52 issue long maxi-series if you have no intention of filling it with 52 issues of story. With less than 2 months left, we're given a filler issue. No plots were progressed and we were left with more Countdown-isms - the retarded plot developments that have no actual reason or motivation for happening - like everyone magically knowing about this Cadmus base hidden in the hills and all meeting up at the same time or, after all this Earth hopping, not realizing they might be on a different Earth now that no one knows who they are and the JLA is nothing like the one they know.

Also, it's about time Karate Kid died. The OMAC supposedly killed him before taking him to Brother Eye and then Brother Eye dissected him and he's been dragged around for the last couple issues. I can't believe he's survived this long.

I can let Countdown usually get away with more than other books simply because I've gotten used to the sloppy writing, but every once in a while, issues like this one come along and bring the nerd rage to a boil.

Verdict - Avoid It

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