Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Countdown to Final Crisis #8 Review

Story by Paul Dini
Story consulting by Keith Giffen
Script by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti
Art by Carlos Magno and Rodney Ramos

This wasn't a bad issue, but nothing happens either. Darkseid talks to himself while the Monitor sends the heroes to Earth. Took 22 pages to do it. The ads had more substance than this if you ask me.

Another thing I found odd was the fact this issue must be in an alternate universe where Apokalips didn't blow up last issue, Donna wasn't trying to wake up the knocked out Kyle, who's flying around nilly willy here, and everyone wasn't going about to die in the vaccuum of space. That or the weekend bender I was on had me miss a week, which is entirely possible.

This issue even opened with Ray Palmer in his Atom costume, which came from no where. He was with the group and in his jacket and slacks. Now, he's off spying on Darkseid and Solomon's chess game (Kirk Note - where the hell did the other Monitors go? They can teleport, they didn't die during Monarch's explosion did they?) and waxing philosophical. It's also revealed that Monarch was created by Solomon who punctured Captain Atom's skin to manipulate him into becoming Monarch or some nonsense. Anyone who read that Bludhaven series able to tell me if this jives with that? Did Atom just come off panel with a gaping whole in him at one point or did it show what happened to him?

Finally, the rest of the issue consists of the heroes all arguing over what to do, either go to Darkseid, heal Karate Kid / let him die or try to find a way home. This is all interjected with Red Robin constantly asking if he can kill someone. He's seriously getting annoying now. He was bad about being "90's cool" as the Hood or Jason Todd or whatever he was calling himself before, but he's ridiculous about it now. His only lines consist of asking if he can kill someone.

In the end, Monitor zaps everyone and sends them back to Earth where I guess Karate Kid will infect everyone and wipe out the multiverse somehow. Seems Atom was infected with stupid Red Robin and is asking to kill Karate Kid to save everyone all the time as well.

Verdict - Check It. I bitched about it quite a bit, but I'm either becoming immune to Countdown's faults or I just don't care anymore and want to see this sideshow carnival end. Either way, I don't think it was an overly bad issue, but it's not exactly fine art either.

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