Written by Brian Reed
Art by Lee Weeks
Why isn't this title hyped up more by Marvel? Based on this issue, we've gotten more Skrull action than the entire Secret Invasion build up over in Bendis' books. We've got Skrulls impersonating Kree invaders that set up Iron Man and Captain Marvel. We've got Skrulls setting up the religion / cult dedicated to Captain Marvel. CM captured and interrogated a Skrull and that Skrull tells him that he is a Skrull as well. My head hurts. Too many Skrulls.
I'm not sure how this story is going to tie into Secret Invasion, but I'm more interested in it now than I was after the first two issues. While there is a lot of Skrull action here, I'm not sure how important this actually is or if it's worth running out and picking up. Probably won't know until the last issue after this has all played out.
So, if you haven't been picking this title up or had no interest in it before now, I think I'd hold off another issue before running out and picking up all the back issues. Hard to say if this will be important or if it's just some cheap stunt to lure readers in.
Verdict - Check It
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