Written by Geoff Johns and Jeff Katz
Art by Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund
"You rear-ended the Flash." Welcome back Booster Gold, I missed you. Whereas the last couple issues have been relatively straight forward and serious affairs, this issue returns to form with what made me fall in love with this book in the first place - the wit and hilarious charm.
While this is a "Zero Hour tie-in", there's not too much dealing with that. The Beetles and Booster run into Parallax and Extant, who Ted actually fights with a flashlight gun, in the timestream. The encounter only serves to send the team off to Booster's time period, but there's a great line by one of the Beetles, Dan I believe, where someone asks if Parallax saw them. He replies, and I'm paraphrasing, "We're a bunch of grown men in blue and gold costumes in a plastic bubble against a rainbow background. Yes, they saw us." It'll be in the Moments of the Week in all it's glory, so don't worry if I got it slightly wrong.
It seems that saving Ted Kord had some dire consequences, as there's a tonne of OMACs searching for Ted and Booster when the other Blue Beetles return to their time periods and blue and gold return to talk to Rip. The menacing look the future Blue Beetle gave as he explained Ted was safe before returning to his own timeline made me think he knew the consequences of saving Ted and used everyone to do it, but it could just be the art.
Verdict - Must Read
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