Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Secret Invasion #6 Review

Written by Brian Bendis
Art by Leinil Yu

"Yeah? Well, my God has a hammer." I think that might be the quote of the year.

Secret Invasion #6 is a lot like SI #4. It has a lot of talking heads and big promises that help hide the flaws in the issue. For instance, a large chunk of the issue dealt with the Skrulls announcing their victory on television, which they just did last issue. I assume it's supposed to indicate a passage of time, but it left me confused, seeing as the entire invasion feels like it takes place over the span of an afternoon.

Then there's the 'widescreen popcorn flick' action, all of which comes off as sound and fury and all that jazz, which is ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Take the Noh-Varr opening pages. I have no clue what's going on there. Did Noh-Varr attack Captain Marvel or is it random that he comes out of the flames? What is the point of those segments anyways?

Then there's the whole two page spread of New York destroyed. Who cares? We've seen that a million times. Hell, it's been destroyed every 6 months for the past 5 years, if not more. Civil War, WWH, New X-Men (Morrison version), Disassembled and dozens of other battles have done worse than this. Add in the retarded human's calling everyone fascists and it felt like a waste of space.

Despite these problems, I still found myself really liking this issue, but it mostly comes from the sense of anticipation for the final battle more than from the actual issue itself, much like the promise of Captain America and Thor joining the fray from issue four. The interaction between Cap and Thor was nice, but far too brief.

However, I don't see Bucky bantering with Thor, as Bendis is wont to do with every character he writes (banter that is). I just don't think he would joke about Thor and how he was supposed to be dead when questioned as to who he was since Thor had heard Steve Rogers died, but that's nitpicking at this point.

I'm a little confused at the Skrulls choice of tactics, though. Soon as the heroes' gathered in Central Park, why didn't they just nuke it from orbit? Done and done. No fuss, no muss. Oh, yeah, we need a big super battle to end this.

Last major 'reveal', if I read this write, is that Wasp is a sleeper Skrull. That kind of comes out of nowhere and the whole sleeper agent thing is coming off as very sloppy and lazy writing on Bendis' part. He could pick anyone out of a hat at this point and it makes sense with his contrived plot. There's no build up or hints towards any of these reveals and it's just shock value at this point.

Verdict - Check It. I was pretty negative throughout this review, but there's a lot wrong with Secret Invasion which warrants repeating, especially when this, and most every, issue is built on those negatives. If you've been enjoying the series up until now, you'll love this issue. If you['ve been having issues, like myself, this is an improvement over previous offerings, but there's very little actual story here and, even as setup, there's little of note happening. Heroes gather, Skrulls gather, fight next issue is all you need to know.

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