Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Countdown to Final Crisis #21 Review

Story by Paul Dini
Breakdowns by Keith Giffen
Script by Sean McKeever
Art by Jesus Saiz

This was a solid issue of Countdown to Final Crisis. The art was great, the story flowed well and, aside from focusing a little too much on Holly and Harley basically running for 2 or 3 pages, I have no major complaints about this issue.

The Rogues (or should that be Rogue?) story has been meandering about for the past month or so and, with last week's death of Trickster, this plot actually feels important again. Most of their scenes have felt like filler or advertisements for Salvation Run and, while I don't agree with the cheap death, I liked this follow up with Piper.

This issue also marked the first instance of Granny Goodness being revealed as Athena in Countdown. I'm sure most already know this, but it really felt like they were trying to make it a mystery for some reason. Not sure why anyone would agree to those retarded Amazon "training" sessions though.

The Challengers section was great as well. I enjoyed how they introduced the Batman Beyond universe and the interaction with the other Monitor was great. I like how the Monitors have been evolving over the month or so and they now all have unique names. Seems the "evil" Monitor is from Earth-8, which is the home of Lord Havok and the Extremists for those wondering. I really thought it would have been the Crime Syndicate Earth, but Earth-8 works as well.

The big surprise was the OMAC's and Brother Eye at the end. That came out of nowhere and actually has me interested in the Karate Kid plot for the first time in, well, ever.

Verdict - Check It. Close to a Must Read, but falls short in a few areas. Definitely one of the better issues of Countdown if you ask me though.

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