Saturday, May 18, 2013

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 05/15/13

It's a slightly lighter edition of Moments of the Week thanks to May being a five-week month, but we still have some good stuff on tap! This week saw the launch of the new Image series Dream Merchant, Tony Stark's origin begins while he was still in the womb in Iron Man, and Wonder Woman fights a Moon. More after the jump as always.

Adventures of Superman #3

In this webcomic edition of the two meeting, Superman hasn't yet mastered Bizarro-speak, so he's actually saying he wants to hurt Bizarro.

Send Bizarro to some planet off world to help NASA, which takes up some time flying to and from the place, and you have an easy way for everyone to be happy with the outcome. Adventures of Superman is quickly becoming the stand-out Superman series in its brief run so far.

Age of Ultron #8

For a series titled Age of Ultron, this is really going somewhere else. Morgana LeFay is the big enemy of this world, and the Defenders are an autonomous group while Tony, Xavier, and Emma Frost work for SHIELD. While Sue attempts to escape custody, LeFay does attack:

The key point we're supposed to get is that with Pym dead, magic takes over half the world, but it still feels hard to really think any of it matters at this point, and if the series could even wrap up decently.

Bloodshot #11

Elaborating on the fight seen in Harbinger Wars #2, we see what was going on in Bloodshot's head when his Harada Protocals were activated. It was something the P.S.R. had hidden even from Kuertich. But a twist that accompanies that big explosion from HW#2:

So now Bloodshot's in complete control, on his way to Las Vegas to meet up with the psiots and Renegades.

The Dream Merchant #1

That's Winslow, a young man who's so lost in sleep that he was sent to a psychiatric hospital to help with his liffelong condition. During one session, the same dream he always has sheds a new revelation:

He wakes up, but those things follow him into our world, leading Winslow and his nurse friend Anne to escape the hospital and nearly get killed in oncoming traffic, but is saved by a man who shares his name with the series' title: 

You get 45 pages of story in the first issue, and while the plot seems a little light, the art is kind of hypnotic with how varied faces look and how it all flows well. It's not detailed but still comes across as very expressive and carries the issue with little problem.

Iron Man #10

Tony was a problematic birth, one that seemed impossible to come to term, but thanks to an alien who looks like he might have come from American Dad we realize the alien's casino is holding the robot 451 in their possession:

 Tony's just as confused as we are, the story continues next issue.

Wonder Woman #20

"Krunk" is a great sound effect. While Diana goes to help Lennox, who ran away with Zeke to protect him from Moon trying to kill him, War returns Moon to Apollo:

The subplot from previous issues finally arrives, and Lennox looks to hold them off a bit next issue.

X-O Manowar #13

This moment kind of makes me wonder if Mjolnir ever knock's someone's head off on its way to Thor.

Cary Nord sure knows how to choreograph a one man wrecking crew.

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maybetoby said...

Age of Ultron should be called "Wolverine Fucks Everything." His typical "I ain't proud of what I did" crap is getting old and tired. Why did anyone think the timeline would be better after killing Pym?!

Jarmir said...

Wolverine 2nd mutation must be to be able to convice anyone that killing their friends is the best and only option to fix things... its the only explanation I see.

maybetoby said...

@ Jarmir, hi-larious!

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