Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cover of the Week - The Dark Knight and Planetoid

Reviews are unfortunately late this week, so in the interim, please enjoy a healthy dose of our Covers of the Week to tide you over!  This time around, we have some the Caped Crusader at the mercy of some mad science and an amphibious alien relaxing in a harsh environment.  Hit the jump to check these out, along with the week's honourable mentions!

Ken's Cover of the Week - Batman: The Dark Knight #12 by Dave Finch

Ken: Despite being known for having an Image style that is heavy on the cross hatching and action, this cover really captures a silver age covers formula of having a menacing villain placing the hero in a predicament to draw your attention. Batman isn't really in a test tube but it shows the upper hand Scarecrow will have in the issue. What's also refreshing is that Scarecrow really hasn't gotten any kind of extreme makeover like other villains have in the DCnU, so it adds to the silver age feel of the cover

Grant's Cover of the Week - Planetoid #3 by Ken Garing

Grant: I really dig Ken Garing's cover to his latest issue of Planetoid.  The blue frogman on the grey background of mechanical detritus really pops.  I also like how it could be seen to depict an important scene in the issue from perhaps a different perspective.  It's a nice, simple idea that is incredibly well executed.

Runner-Ups:  Untold Tales of the Punisher MAX #3, Flash #12, Lobster Johnson: The Prayer of Neferu

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