Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cover of the Week - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Dark Horse Presents

And to finish up the week, we still have the Cover of the Week award to hand out. I hope you aren't skittish, because our winners are a giant rodent and a scary phantom! Okay, they might not be that scary, but the only way to find out is to check behind the cut - if you dare!

Ken's Cover of the Week - TMNT Micro Series #5 by David Petersen

Ken: These stand alone covers have really been a nice addition to the franchise, as they all have the level of detail that you just don't see on other covers. There's just something about having the extra detail make up for a lack of action on the cover that  makes this stand out compared to other covers by Marvel and DC.

Grant's Cover of the Week - Dark Horse Presents #13 by Phil Noto

Grant: While I may have slagged on Phil Noto a little bit back in January (the X-23 review, should you actually be following that link), I'd like to officially take that back.  Noto is a hella-talented guy who does some amazing stuff.  This cover isn't really anything fancy, but Noto manages to give the image a certain amount of weight and gravitas nonetheless.  I don't know anything about the character, but this cover makes me want to open the book and discover, which is the best thing a cover can possibly do.

Runner-Ups:  Red Gunther #10, Batman Beyond Unlimited #5, Young Justice #17

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